Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Safe Renderer'
  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-1206

QSR 2.0 Project Plan



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • QSR 2.0
    • QSR 2.0
    • Other
    • None
    • Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 Project Plan


      The project plan for the Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 (QSR)
      This QSR version development aims to fulfill the following objectives:

      1. Functional safety management (Safety Plan)
        • ISO 26262:2018 standard compliance
        • Certification artifacts
      2. Rendering output verification for Snapdragon 8155P (QSR-539)
        • We use Display processor unit (DPU) CRC-calculation to verify the output
      3. Background fill color for Safe Items (QSR-1217)
        • CRC output validation does not work with the transparent background.
        • CRC is calculated for all display layers.
        • The safety items are drawn on the top-most layer.
      4. Test development (QSR-1203)
        • Improve the integration of the static analysis tools to the development processes
        • Convert manual tests to automated tests (integration and GUI tests).
        • Expand the test configurations in the release test automation (RTA)
      5. Documentation (QSR-1204)
        • Safety manual
        • Customer document deliverables
      6. Qt Safelayout Tool input data validation improvements (QSR-1149)
        • Tool usability-related issues were found in QSR 1.2 testing and were planned to fix in the 1.3 release.
        • Fix bugs after the above tasks have been done

      The team uses the following tools for managing the project:

      1. Safety plan
      2. Schedule plan
      3. Risk management
      4. Jira scrum guidelines

      And the following approaches help in the work

      1. Prototyping to create a proof of concept and basis for planning
      2. Customer experimentation and validation during development
      3. Agile testing by integrating quality engineering into the development
      4. Minimum viable product (MVP) definition to
        • limit the scope,
        • prioritize tasks and
        • prevent feature creep

      Project dimension variables

      The project has fixed the following items:

      • resources,
      • quality target (ASIL-D) level, and
      • schedule

      Hence the only variable thing is the content. There are three priorities for the content:

      1. Must have
      2. Critical
      3. Essential

      TestRail: Results


          Issue Links



                teemu.holappa Teemu Holappa
                tarjasundqvist Tarja Sundqvist
                Ramon Sadornil Ramon Sadornil (Inactive)
                Ilkka Kellokoski Ilkka Kellokoski
                0 Vote for this issue
                8 Start watching this issue



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