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  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-1178

Change UI regression test strategy from breadth-first to depth-first




      Since the code is pretty much operating system agnostic, we could utilize depth-first test strategy for the UI regression test instead of depth-first.

      • RTA can run the installation tests for all environments
      • RTA can run all autotests from all folder for all environments
      • But we could consider having dedicated Squish tests in <src>tests/UI folder for Windows and/or Linux environment
        • Developers can repeat those at any time in their own computers
        • We can get high automation check coverage against regression
        • Customers can use those tests as basis for their test assets
        • This can even be triggered frequently by other tools
          • e.g either Gerrit hook in the code review for the commit
          • QSR nightly test server (non-blocking CI)
          • Coin itself for a given configuration
        • We can even consider having integration tests for the Qt Design Studio
        • The tests can use the predefined capacity tests and generated QML, or that can be done in the runtime in the tests.
      • And RTA can run these in detailed test for given configurations in a  case that frequent mandatory Qt Creator updates do not mess the test script integrity
        • Tests include installation tests that will always update the Qt Creator


      TestRail: Results




              qtsaferendererteam Qt Safe Renderer Team
              assaarel Asmo Saarela
              Miao Luo Miao Luo
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue



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