Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Not Evaluated
QDS 3.7
I get this crash in my own build of DS (8.0 branch), qt 6.3.1 Kit.
- Clear cache (on windows C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\QtProject\QtCreator\cache\ )
- Launch DS
- Create a new 3D project with wizard template
- Configure project in Projects mode
- Expand View3D and then Scene in Navigator so that you can select cubeModel
- Select cubeModel
- -> crash
- crash trace:
1 ProjectExplorer::Target::kit target.cpp 259 0x7ffbf5729550 2 QmlDesigner::MeshImageCacheCollector::start meshimagecachecollector.cpp 61 0x7ffbef3d80ed 3 QmlDesigner::ImageCacheGenerator::startGeneration imagecachegenerator.cpp 134 0x7ffbef3d6eb7 4 std::_Packaged_state<void __cdecl(void)>::_Call_immediate future 618 0x7ffbef3d0b6f 5 std::_Deferred_async_state<void>::_Run_deferred_function future 684 0x7ffbef3d40cf 6 std::_Associated_state<int>::_Get_value future 292 0x7ffbef3d28bb 7 QThread::run Qt6Core 0x7ffbf6b2344d 8 QThread::start Qt6Core 0x7ffbf6ba2f71 9 BaseThreadInitThunk KERNEL32 0x7ffc9d767034 10 RtlUserThreadStart ntdll 0x7ffc9dd02651