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  1. Qbs ("Cubes")
  2. QBS-733

Set Module Properties in Project Item



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • None
    • General
    • None


      It would be nice to set (default) properties for certain modules from within a global project item. These properties would be default for all nested products and sub-projects. Something like:

      Project {
        cpp.optimization : "fast"
        Product { .. }

      Requirements for module property assignments in project items:

      • Module property assignments on project level are evaluated before those in profiles, hence:
      • Scalar properties will be overridden if they are set in a profile, list properties will be merged if set in a profile
      • When project items are nested, both scalar and list values can be overridden, but the parent values are available via "outer". We want to keep consistency with Group and Properties items. Access via parent.module.prop should also be possible.
      • Products cannot opt out unless their surrounding project item sets the values to undefined explicitly


      Project {
          m.scalarProp: "v1"
          m.listProp: "v1"
          Product { 
              Depends { name: "m" } 
              // m.scalarProp is v1
              // m.listProp is v1 
          Project {
              m.scalarProp : "v2" // implicit override
              m.listProp: "v2" // v2 - implicit override
              m.otherListProp: outer.concat(["v2"]) // explicit merge
              Profile {
                  name: "projectProfile"
                  m.scalarProp: "v3"
                  m.listProp: "v3"
              Product { 
                  profile: "projectProfile"
                  Depends { name: "m" }
                  m.listProp: "v4"
                  // m.scalarProp is v3
                  // m.listProp is v2, v3, v4
              Product {
                  Depends { name: "m" }
                  // m.scalarProp is v2
                  // m.listProp is v1, v2



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              Unassigned Unassigned
              rweickelt Richard Weickelt
              4 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue

