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  1. Qbs ("Cubes")
  2. QBS-1299

qbs-setup-qt --detect assumes there is a qtquickcompiler



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 1.11.0
    • 1.10.0
    • Configuration Probes
    • None
    • 90a0d19462a1f781382c355fda19969b54c27e73


      I'm trying to use qbs for the first time because I wanted to try out https://github.com/johanhelsing/qt-csd-demo

      I configured qtchooser to have my local 5.11 build as the default Qt then ran qbs-setup-qt --detect, and it found 3 versions: that plus two system Qt installations (5.10.0 and 4.8.7):

      [str][14:50:33] qt 511d
      Using Qt version: 511d
      [str][15:19:38] qmake -version
      QMake version 3.1
      Using Qt version 5.11.0 in /home/rutledge/dev/qt511-dbg/qtbase/lib
      [str][14:52:01] qbs-setup-qt --detect
      Creating profile 'qt-5-11-0'.
      WARNING: You need to set up toolchain information before you can use this Qt version for building. However, no toolchain profile was found. Either create one using qbs-setup-toolchains and set it as this profile's base profile or add the toolchain settings manually to this profile.
      Creating profile 'qt-5-10-0'.
      [     0.000 D] default unknown - Skipping prl file '/usr/lib/libQt5dqml.prl', because it cannot be opened (No such file or directory).
      [     0.007 D] default unknown - Skipping prl file '/usr/lib/libQt5WebKitWidgets.prl', because it cannot be opened (No such file or directory).
      [     0.007 D] default unknown - Skipping prl file '/usr/lib/libQt5WebKit.prl', because it cannot be opened (No such file or directory).
      WARNING: You need to set up toolchain information before you can use this Qt version for building. However, no toolchain profile was found. Either create one using qbs-setup-toolchains and set it as this profile's base profile or add the toolchain settings manually to this profile.
      Creating profile 'qt-4-8-7'.
      WARNING: You need to set up toolchain information before you can use this Qt version for building. However, no toolchain profile was found. Either create one using qbs-setup-toolchains and set it as this profile's base profile or add the toolchain settings manually to this profile.

      Then I try to build the project.

      [str][14:56:43] qbs build profile:qt-5-11-0
      Build graph does not yet exist for configuration 'default'. Starting from scratch.
      Resolving project for configuration default
      Setting up build graph for configuration default
      Building for configuration default
      generating qml_qtquickcompiler.qrc
      ERROR: The process '/home/rutledge/dev/qt511-dbg/qtbase/bin/qtquickcompiler' could not be started: execve: No such file or directory. The full command line invocation was: /home/rutledge/dev/qt511-dbg/qtbase/bin/qtquickcompiler --filter-resource-file /home/rutledge/dev/johan-qt-csd-demo/qml.qrc /home/rutledge/dev/johan-qt-csd-demo/default/decorated.73c230d1/qml_qtquickcompiler.qrc
      The following products could not be built for configuration default:

      So yeah there is no qtquickcompiler because this is my own Qt build. Not sure why it assumes there always should be. I only have one instance of qtquickcompiler on my system, which is for a Qt installed from the universal installer, which the detection apparently didn't find anyway.

      At this point I don't know how to tell it to forget about the qtquickcompiler, so it was easier to generate a .pro and go back to using qmake.

      By the way, since I use qtchooser, I'd rather have qbs cooperate better with that: by default, use the Qt which is currently accessible in my path. (qtchooser acts as a proxy for the binaries like qmake and qml etc., and also can be queried to find the Qt binary and lib dirs. qtchooser pays attention to this env variable: QT_SELECT=511d, which tells it to look in ~/.config/qtchooser/511d.conf, which only needs two lines: the bin dir and the lib dir.) Instead what I'm seeing is that qbs-setup-qt generated 145 config files just for this one version, under ~/.config/QtProject/qbs/1.10.0/profiles/qt-5-11-0. That's a lot of stuff to manage... with that many config files, it's predictable that something will be wrong there pretty often.


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              kandeler Christian Kandeler
              srutledg Shawn Rutledge
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