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  1. Qt for Python
  2. PYSIDE-1799

pylupdate does not support trailing commas



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.15.3
    • Tooling
    • None
    • All


      Python allows trailing commas inside function calls, and in particular the Black code reformatter adds these trailing commas when breaking long calls up over multiple lines. This is a particular problem for calls to translate(), which are often lengthy. What comes out of Black is something like:

          "Unable to read data from GitHub: check your internet connection and proxy settings and try again.",

      pylupdate does not extract this string, because upon seeing the comma after the text, it assumes there will then be a comment. When none is found, it acts as though it is a syntax error and stops the extraction for that line. The same is true if there is a comment but no pluralization.

      The bug begins on line 650 of fetchtr.cpp (that is, in the version of pylupdate released with 5.15.3):

      // look for comment
      if ( match(Tok_Comma) && matchStringOrNone(&com)) {
          // Code to handle the case where there is a comment, etc.
      } else {

      To handle the legal-in-Python trailing comma, that conditional needs to be broken up, the break statement dropped, and the string match set to disallow None:

      // look for comment 
      if (match(Tok_Comma)) {
          if (matchString(&com)) { 
              // Code to handle the case where there is a comment, etc. 
          } // No else/break here, this is legal

      A similar fix is necessary to handle a trailing comma after a comment line, in places where there is no pluralization information, and in the final case where there is plural information, but a comma before the trailing parenthesis (though I have not verified the fix for those two cases, they don't affect the codebase I'm working in).




            crmaurei Cristian Maureira-Fredes
            chris_hennes Chris Hennes
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

