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  1. Coin
  2. COIN-156

make coin generic enough to build arbitrary products



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • master
    • Other
    • None
    • Product support in Coin


      We have qt projects that have multiple dependencies to other products, such as

      • qt-automotive
      • qtcreator
      • ...

      but we cannot build these modules in CI, because it currently supports only building 1 product as dependency.

      the objective is to make is possible and simple to configure coin to build arbitrary "products".

      the main milestones:

      • introduce generic "products", and a way to express arbitrary dependencies between them.
      • reduce number of workitem types. in particular, do away with provisioning items. instead, platform images are just products themselves and are simply built via builditems.
      • implement a flexible configuration system and migrate the existing specialized config files and hard-coded rules to this new system.

      This epic is the placeholder for all work that is required to integrate the changes to build multiple products in CI.


      [Iikka] Proposal for concrete steps:


      Step1: Base functionality to run a build for Platform product (~6-8 weeks)

      1. Product Configuration interface  https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/237967/
      2. Product Type class loader https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/221919/
        1. This includes ProductType_platform.py + PlatformBuildItem (a.k.a. current Provision(Work)Item)
      3. Synthesize Platform product "ProductConfiguration" objects (i.e. test/build configurations)  https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/238666/
      4. Refactor WorkItemFactory   https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/238650/
        1. Will instantiate the Product Type of the product and execute the build graph i.e. creation of WorkItems
      1. "ProductConfiguration" properties are strings (OS, OS_VERSION, ARCH, etc.) but Coin expects to have enums (int): https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/236940/ 

      Expected outcome:

      • Basic structure to execute a simple build (workitemfactory replacement)
      • Provisioning executed with the new system, i.e. building the Platform product

      Step2: Run a build for qt5 (~8-10 weeks)

      1. Minor adjustment into WorkItem interface: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/239653/
        1. Keep compatibility with current system
      2. Split modules.py per product: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/239357/
        1. Keep compatibility with current system
      3. Implement ProductType_qt5.py and ProductType_qt5_module.py
        1. For every forked-out submodule ProductConfiguration there already exist code to produce AgentInstructions (2)
        2. Create BuildItem and TestItem per forked-out submodule ProductConfiguration and set AgentInstructions directly (1)
      4. Synthesize qt5 configurations using the "ProductConfiguration" interface
      5. Implement "Build Context"
        1. Not covered at all yet (QTQAINFRA-2209)
      6. Run qt5 build

      Expected outcome:

      • qt5 build

      Step3: Run a build for some product, e.g. tqtc-qt5 (~2 weeks)

      1. Synthesize "ProductConfiguration" objects: now we have product level depency chain: tqtc-qt5 -> qt5 -> platform
      2. Run the build for tqtc-qt5

      Expected outcome:

      • tqtc-qt5 build
      • system should re-use existing qt5 and platform build artifacts (if using refs from previous builds/steps)


      Step4: Translate current platform configurations from upstream into "ProductConfiguration" object tree (~4-6 weeks)

      1. While the parser is not functional yet we can translate the current parsed configurations into "ProductConfiguration" object tree and run the build
      2. QTQAINFRA-2081

      Expected outcome:

      • A build executed based on the test configurations defined in actual qt5, but using the new Product Repo system



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              hehalmet Heikki Halmet
              aakeskimo Aapo Keskimölö
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue

