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  1. Qt Cloud
  2. CLOUD-133

Show if the current branch head is also a part of another branch



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • None
    • Dashboard, Git
    • None


      For example, consider the following scenario: 


      * bef546a (HEAD -> develop, origin/cloud-125) DONE: CLOUD-125
      * c1e0c1e Show the file list in UI
      * 9b58665 Show if commit is in remote
      * 721e32b Fix project_gitlab_url
      * a149978 add project gitlab url
      * 01e61ba Update information content
      * 3216df4 Show initial commit details to the user
      * cea69c2 Style for commit details
      * e3b5106 WIP: CLOUD-125
      * 83fe35d (origin/develop) Remove the comment added for demo
      * 2142814 Test commit to demo plugin
      *   1e6ae5f Merge branch 'cloud-104' into 'develop' 


      The HEAD is currently in local branch develop and also to the remote branch origin/cloud-125. 

      At this moment, in the dashboard, we only show that the current_local_branch is ahead of the current_tracking_branch. We should also show if the current commit is a part of any other branch?


      This could be done in two ways. 

      one: when we bring this information for every commit and show this information for every commit, just like git log does


      two: implement something similar to 'git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all'

      THis requires a GET API for the server and relevant UI implementation in the Dashboard.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            as33ms Aseem Shakuntal
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