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  1. Qt Automotive Suite
  2. AUTOSUITE-321

Fix reported missing feature in the home screen of the UI



    • User Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.11
    • Neptune3
    • May 18


      As a designer, I see the listed item below as missing / incomplete in the home screen of our UI:

      • When adding a widget the widget, states are not updated correctly. E.g when having phone in two rows at the bottom and adding maps (making the phone widget take the size of a 1 row widget) you still see the vertical list of contacts (instead of the contact image row).
      • The three panels (volume, climate and about) should sit further down when they are expanded. Now they are vertically centered in the view.
      • Looks strange when the “resize” handle jumps when you change position of the widgets. I would like to fade out these handles as soon as you start to drag a widget around and fade them back (on their new position) when releasing.
      • Clock says 09:39 am, should probably be 9:39 am (or AM?)
      • Launcher: looks like the distance between “all apps” and the closest app icon are smaller than the distance between the other icons.
      • Can we make it easier to dock the bottom widget to the side, and lower its opacity to 50% when docked. And remember if it was docked or not next time you go into fullscreen?
      • The corner “expand to fullscreen” button’s touch area is not large enough. It is possible to click on the white area without going to fullscreen
      • Wrong height and width of widgets (and position) (Please clarify this with jmagnusson)
      • Tweak the animation of the other widgets when going from one widget to fullscreen and back. Work with designer. We need to try out something together.




            anatolyk Anatoly Kozlov
            bram_harimukti Bramastyo Harimukti Santoso
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

