import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 ApplicationWindow { // This is a multiline comment which refers to the custom // [left,right]PanelMinimumWidth properties. // Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet. id: root property int leftPanelMinimumWidth: 387 property int rightPanelMinimumWidth: 387 function someFunction() { if (true) return true else return false } // This is a multiline comment which refers to the minimum[Width,Height] // properties. // Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet. minimumWidth: 1024 - 2 minimumHeight: 768 - 32 width: minimumWidth height: minimumHeight visible: true SplitView { // This is a multi-line comment refering to the Item that is // instantiated below it. // However, on contrast to the previous multi-line comments, this one // has an empty line after it. // Comment refering to the Item instantiated on the same line id: splitView anchors { fill: parent } StackLayout { id: leftPanel width: leftPanelMinimumWidth } StackLayout { id: rightPanel width: rightPanelMinimumWidth } handleDelegate: Rectangle { color: root.color implicitWidth: 10 } } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: qsTr("Choose a recipe") nameFilters: [qsTr("MERLIC Recipe (*.mrcp)")] onAccepted: { var error = someFunction(); if (error) { var dialog = SomeComponent.factoryFunction(root, { "title": "Whatever", "standardButtons": StandardButton.Ok, "text": error });; } } } }