Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fee780 (LWP 8218)): #0 0x00007ffff57b8b15 in raise () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00007ffff57b9f96 in abort () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #2 0x00007ffff662a6fc in qt_message_output (msgType=QtFatalMsg, buf=0x712d48 "ASSERT failure in QVector::at: \"index out of range\", file ../../include/QtCore/../../../qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, line 351") at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp:2323 No locals. #3 0x00007ffff662a878 in qt_message(QtMsgType, const char *, typedef __va_list_tag __va_list_tag *) (msgType=QtFatalMsg, msg=0x7ffff67f45b0 "ASSERT failure in %s: \"%s\", file %s, line %d", ap=0x7fffffffbac0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp:2369 buf = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1548}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7ffff6b336d8 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 24}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7ffff6b336f8 "", array = ""}, d = 0x712d30} #4 0x00007ffff662b0e6 in qFatal (msg=0x7ffff67f45b0 "ASSERT failure in %s: \"%s\", file %s, line %d") at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp:2552 ap = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffbba0, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffbae0}} #5 0x00007ffff662a2ef in qt_assert_x (where=0x7ffff76131cf "QVector::at", what=0x7ffff76131a5 "index out of range", file=0x7ffff7613148 "../../include/QtCore/../../../qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h", line=351) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp:2026 No locals. #6 0x00007ffff6dc030f in QVector::at (this=0x86fcc8, i=3) at ../../include/QtCore/../../../qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h:351 No locals. #7 0x00007ffff74e2557 in QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::_q_sourceDataChanged (this=0x832ad0, source_top_left=..., source_bottom_right=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/itemviews/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp:1206 source_left_column = 0 proxy_top_left = {r = 1, c = 0, p = 0x86fcb0, m = 0x8565d0} source_right_column = 3 proxy_bottom_right = {r = 5, c = 0, p = 0x7ffff5801828, m = 0x80e600} proxy_start_row = 1 proxy_end_row = 1 q = 0x8565d0 m = 0x86fcb0 source_rows_remove = {{d = 0x7ffff6b33860 , p = 0x7ffff6b33860 }} source_rows_change = {{d = 0x80b260, p = 0x80b260}} end = 1 source_parent = {r = -1, c = -1, p = 0x0, m = 0x0} it = {i = 0x86c540} source_rows_insert = {{d = 0x7ffff6b33860 , p = 0x7ffff6b33860 }} source_rows_resort = {{d = 0x7b25a0, p = 0x7b25a0}} #8 0x00007ffff74e6e14 in QSortFilterProxyModel::qt_static_metacall (_o=0x8565d0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=5, _a=0x7fffffffbf20) at .moc/debug-shared/moc_qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp:107 _t = 0x8565d0 #9 0x00007ffff678d49d in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x811fc0, m=0x7ffff6b2d0c0 , local_signal_index=0, argv=0x7fffffffbf20) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp:3539 receiverInSameThread = true previousSender = 0x0 callFunction = 0x7ffff74e6cc0 receiver = 0x8565d0 currentSender = {sender = 0x811fc0, signal = 4, ref = 1} method_relative = 5 c = 0x858ed0 last = 0x858ed0 methodOffset = 4 signal_absolute_index = 4 empty_argv = {0x0} locker = {val = 8868464} connectionLists = 0x858e70 list = 0x7ee6e0 signalOffset = 2 signal_index = 2 currentThreadId = 140737354065792 #10 0x00007ffff67eeae5 in QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged (this=0x811fc0, _t1=..., _t2=...) at .moc/debug-shared/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp:164 _a = {0x0, 0x7fffffffbfb0, 0x7fffffffbf70} #11 0x00007ffff7bbbee6 in QSqlTableModel::revertRow (this=0x811fc0, row=1) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.cpp:912 oldIndex = 1 d = 0x874820 #12 0x00007ffff7bbbd18 in QSqlTableModel::revertAll (this=0x811fc0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.cpp:882 d = 0x874820 #13 0x00007ffff7bb9eeb in QSqlTableModel::select (this=0x811fc0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.cpp:422 d = 0x874820 query = {static null = {}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x60951a , clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 6}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7ffff6b3385a , clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x80bb20, static codecForCStrings = 0x0} qu = {d = 0x7fffffffc070} #14 0x00007ffff7bbcb23 in QSqlTableModel::removeRows (this=0x811fc0, row=1, count=1, parent=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.cpp:1112 d = 0x874820 i = 1 #15 0x0000000000405ffd in QAbstractItemModel::removeRow (this=0x811fc0, arow=1, aparent=...) at ../qt-everywhere-opensource-dist-4.8.4/include/QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h:319 No locals. #16 0x0000000000405851 in MainWindow::removeRow (this=0x7fffffffdfd0) at ../SqlProblem/MainWindow.cpp:94 index = {r = 1, c = 2, p = 0x86fcb0, m = 0x8565d0} #17 0x0000000000406ce3 in MainWindow::qt_static_metacall (_o=0x7fffffffdfd0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=2, _a=0x7fffffffc480) at moc_MainWindow.cpp:54 _t = 0x7fffffffdfd0 #18 0x00007ffff678d49d in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x79f7f0, m=0x7ffff7b63c20 , local_signal_index=2, argv=0x7fffffffc480) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp:3539 receiverInSameThread = true previousSender = 0x0 callFunction = 0x406c34 receiver = 0x7fffffffdfd0 currentSender = {sender = 0x79f7f0, signal = 29, ref = 1} method_relative = 2 c = 0x88c3a0 last = 0x88c3a0 methodOffset = 27 signal_absolute_index = 29 empty_argv = {0x0} locker = {val = 7947808} connectionLists = 0x858630 list = 0x8586c0 signalOffset = 3 signal_index = 5 currentThreadId = 140737354065792 #19 0x00007ffff75fd8f8 in QAbstractButton::clicked (this=0x79f7f0, _t1=false) at .moc/debug-shared/moc_qabstractbutton.cpp:220 _a = {0x0, 0x7fffffffc474} #20 0x00007ffff7274f5e in QAbstractButtonPrivate::emitClicked (this=0x883310) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:548 q = 0x79f7f0 guard = {o = 0x79f7f0} #21 0x00007ffff7274edd in QAbstractButtonPrivate::click (this=0x883310) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:541 q = 0x79f7f0 changeState = true guard = {o = 0x79f7f0} #22 0x00007ffff72763c3 in QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent (this=0x79f7f0, e=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:1123 d = 0x883310 #23 0x00007ffff6dfb682 in QWidget::event (this=0x79f7f0, event=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qwidget.cpp:8375 d = 0x883310 #24 0x00007ffff7276219 in QAbstractButton::event (this=0x79f7f0, e=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:1082 No locals. #25 0x00007ffff733bffd in QPushButton::event (this=0x79f7f0, e=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/widgets/qpushbutton.cpp:683 d = 0x883310 #26 0x00007ffff6d95862 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=0x60ad20, receiver=0x79f7f0, e=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp:4562 consumed = false #27 0x00007ffff6d937ef in QApplication::notify (this=0x7fffffffe010, receiver=0x79f7f0, e=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp:4105 me = { = { = {_vptr.QEvent = 0x7ffff7b3b2f0 , static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6892b20 "QEvent", data = 0x7ffff6892580 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x0, t = 3, posted = 0, spont = 1, m_accept = 1, reserved = 12}, modState = {i = 0}}, p = {xp = 16, yp = 19}, g = {xp = 381, yp = 92}, b = Qt::LeftButton, mouseState = {i = 0}} w = 0x79f7f0 mouse = 0x7fffffffd080 eventAccepted = true relpos = {xp = 16, yp = 19} pw = {o = 0x79f7f0} d = 0x60ad20 res = false #28 0x00007ffff676ebb5 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal (this=0x7fffffffe010, receiver=0x79f7f0, event=0x7fffffffd080) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:946 threadData = 0x60aed0 returnValue = false result = false cbdata = {0x79f7f0, 0x7fffffffd080, 0x7fffffffcf2e} d = 0x883310 #29 0x00007ffff6d98871 in QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent (receiver=0x79f7f0, event=0x7fffffffd080) at ../../include/QtCore/../../../qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:234 No locals. #30 0x00007ffff6d91dca in QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent (receiver=0x79f7f0, event=0x7fffffffd080, alienWidget=0x79f7f0, nativeWidget=0x7fffffffdfd0, buttonDown=0x7ffff7b86c18 , lastMouseReceiver=..., spontaneous=true) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp:3171 alienGuard = {o = 0x79f7f0} receiverGuard = {o = 0x79f7f0} nativeGuard = {o = 0x7fffffffdfd0} activePopupWidget = {o = 0x0} graphicsWidget = false wasLeaveAfterRelease = true result = false #31 0x00007ffff6e37998 in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent (this=0x7fffffffdfd0, event=0x7fffffffdbe0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:4516 alienWidget = 0x79f7f0 widget = 0x79f7f0 oldOpenPopupCount = 0 e = { = { = {_vptr.QEvent = 0x7ffff7b3b2f0 , static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6892b20 "QEvent", data = 0x7ffff6892580 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x0, t = 3, posted = 0, spont = 1, m_accept = 1, reserved = 8191}, modState = {i = 0}}, p = {xp = 16, yp = 19}, g = {xp = 381, yp = 92}, b = Qt::LeftButton, mouseState = {i = 0}} type = QEvent::MouseButtonRelease globalPos = {xp = 381, yp = 92} button = Qt::LeftButton buttons = {i = 0} nextEvent = {type = -11248, xany = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023}, xkey = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, root = 4607182418800017408, subwindow = 8070560, time = 140737488347088, x = 0, y = 1072693248, x_root = 0, y_root = 0, state = 8835952, keycode = 0, same_screen = 0}, xbutton = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, root = 4607182418800017408, subwindow = 8070560, time = 140737488347088, x = 0, y = 1072693248, x_root = 0, y_root = 0, state = 8835952, button = 0, same_screen = 0}, xmotion = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, root = 4607182418800017408, subwindow = 8070560, time = 140737488347088, x = 0, y = 1072693248, x_root = 0, y_root = 0, state = 8835952, is_hint = 0 '\000', same_screen = 0}, xcrossing = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, root = 4607182418800017408, subwindow = 8070560, time = 140737488347088, x = 0, y = 1072693248, x_root = 0, y_root = 0, mode = 8835952, detail = 0, same_screen = 0, focus = 0, state = 6351056}, xfocus = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, mode = 0, detail = 1072693248}, xexpose = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, x = 0, y = 1072693248, width = 8070560, height = 0, count = -8240}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, drawable = 4598235267540308023, x = 0, y = 1072693248, width = 8070560, height = 0, count = -8240, major_code = 32767, minor_code = 0}, xnoexpose = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, drawable = 4598235267540308023, major_code = 0, minor_code = 1072693248}, xvisibility = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, state = 0}, xcreatewindow = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, parent = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, x = 8070560, y = 0, width = -8240, height = 32767, border_width = 0, override_redirect = 1072693248}, xdestroywindow = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408}, xunmap = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, from_configure = 8070560}, xmap = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, override_redirect = 8070560}, xmaprequest = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, parent = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408}, xreparent = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, parent = 8070560, x = -8240, y = 32767, override_redirect = 0}, xconfigure = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, x = 8070560, y = 0, width = -8240, height = 32767, border_width = 0, above = 0, override_redirect = 8835952}, xgravity = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, x = 8070560, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, width = 0, height = 1072693248}, xconfigurerequest = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, parent = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, x = 8070560, y = 0, width = -8240, height = 32767, border_width = 0, above = 0, detail = 8835952, value_mask = 0}, xcirculate = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, event = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, place = 8070560}, xcirculaterequest = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, parent = 4598235267540308023, window = 4607182418800017408, place = 8070560}, xproperty = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, atom = 4607182418800017408, time = 8070560, state = -8240}, xselectionclear = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, selection = 4607182418800017408, time = 8070560}, xselectionrequest = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, owner = 4598235267540308023, requestor = 4607182418800017408, selection = 8070560, target = 140737488347088, property = 4607182418800017408, time = 0}, xselection = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, requestor = 4598235267540308023, selection = 4607182418800017408, target = 8070560, property = 140737488347088, time = 4607182418800017408}, xcolormap = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, colormap = 4607182418800017408, c_new = 8070560, state = 0}, xclient = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, message_type = 4607182418800017408, format = 8070560, data = {b = "\320\337\377\377\377\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?\000\000\000", s = {-8240, -1, 32767, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16368, 0, 0}, l = {140737488347088, 4607182418800017408, 0, 8835952, 0}}}, xmapping = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, request = 0, first_keycode = 1072693248, count = 8070560}, xerror = {type = -11248, display = 0x7ffff6dfc4c0 , resourceid = 4600156803381319434, serial = 140733193388038, error_code = 55 '7', request_code = 208 '\320', minor_code = 105 'i'}, xkeymap = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, window = 4598235267540308023, key_vector = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?\240%{\000\000\000\000\000\320\337\377\377\377\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?"}, xgeneric = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, extension = 57266231, evtype = 1070610077}, xcookie = {type = -11248, serial = 140737335248064, send_event = 1889785610, display = 0x7fff00000006, extension = 57266231, evtype = 1070610077, cookie = 0, data = 0x7b25a0}, pad = {140737488344080, 140737335248064, 4600156803381319434, 140733193388038, 4598235267540308023, 4607182418800017408, 8070560, 140737488347088, 4607182418800017408, 0, 8835952, 0, 77315762384, 6735072, 139642271683056, 8239200, 1442840580, 4598235267540308023, 140737488343536, 8239176, 8589922816, 7992608, 140737488343600, 140737307461677}} d = 0x720b10 pos = {xp = 16, yp = 19} modifiers = {i = 0} #32 0x00007ffff6e342f9 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0x7fffffffe010, event=0x7fffffffdbe0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:3517 loopLevelCounter = {threadData = 0x60aed0} widget = 0x7fffffffdfd0 keywidget = 0x0 grabbed = false d = 0x60ad20 #33 0x00007ffff6e6f59c in x11EventSourceDispatch (s=0x60e990, callback=0x0, user_data=0x0) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qguieventdispatcher_glib.cpp:146 event = {type = 5, xany = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436}, xkey = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, root = 223, subwindow = 0, time = 21825854, x = 379, y = 69, x_root = 381, y_root = 92, state = 256, keycode = 1, same_screen = 1}, xbutton = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, root = 223, subwindow = 0, time = 21825854, x = 379, y = 69, x_root = 381, y_root = 92, state = 256, button = 1, same_screen = 1}, xmotion = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, root = 223, subwindow = 0, time = 21825854, x = 379, y = 69, x_root = 381, y_root = 92, state = 256, is_hint = 1 '\001', same_screen = 1}, xcrossing = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, root = 223, subwindow = 0, time = 21825854, x = 379, y = 69, x_root = 381, y_root = 92, mode = 256, detail = 1, same_screen = 1, focus = 0, state = 48}, xfocus = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, mode = 223, detail = 0}, xexpose = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, x = 223, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, count = 21825854}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, drawable = 33554436, x = 223, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, count = 21825854, major_code = 0, minor_code = 379}, xnoexpose = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, drawable = 33554436, major_code = 223, minor_code = 0}, xvisibility = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, state = 223}, xcreatewindow = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, parent = 33554436, window = 223, x = 0, y = 0, width = 21825854, height = 0, border_width = 379, override_redirect = 69}, xdestroywindow = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223}, xunmap = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, from_configure = 0}, xmap = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, override_redirect = 0}, xmaprequest = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, parent = 33554436, window = 223}, xreparent = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, parent = 0, x = 21825854, y = 0, override_redirect = 379}, xconfigure = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, x = 0, y = 0, width = 21825854, height = 0, border_width = 379, above = 395136991613, override_redirect = 256}, xgravity = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, x = 0, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, width = 223, height = 0}, xconfigurerequest = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, parent = 33554436, window = 223, x = 0, y = 0, width = 21825854, height = 0, border_width = 379, above = 395136991613, detail = 256, value_mask = 1}, xcirculate = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, event = 33554436, window = 223, place = 0}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, parent = 33554436, window = 223, place = 0}, xproperty = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, atom = 223, time = 0, state = 21825854}, xselectionclear = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, selection = 223, time = 0}, xselectionrequest = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, owner = 33554436, requestor = 223, selection = 0, target = 21825854, property = 296352743803, time = 395136991613}, xselection = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, requestor = 33554436, selection = 223, target = 0, property = 21825854, time = 296352743803}, xcolormap = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, colormap = 223, c_new = 0, state = 0}, xclient = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, message_type = 223, format = 0, data = {b = ">\tM\001\000\000\000\000{\001\000\000E\000\000\000}\001\000", s = {2366, 333, 0, 0, 379, 0, 69, 0, 381, 0}, l = {21825854, 296352743803, 395136991613, 4294967552, 1}}}, xmapping = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, request = 223, first_keycode = 0, count = 0}, xerror = {type = 5, display = 0x5b1, resourceid = 0, serial = 6455904, error_code = 4 '\004', request_code = 0 '\000', minor_code = 0 '\000'}, xkeymap = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, window = 33554436, key_vector = "\337", '\000' , ">\tM\001\000\000\000\000{\001\000\000E\000\000"}, xgeneric = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, extension = 33554436, evtype = 0}, xcookie = {type = 5, serial = 1457, send_event = 0, display = 0x628260, extension = 33554436, evtype = 0, cookie = 223, data = 0x0}, pad = {140733193388037, 1457, 0, 6455904, 33554436, 223, 0, 21825854, 296352743803, 395136991613, 4294967552, 1, 48, 8863664, 1, 200, 1, 96, 48, 8863376, 3, 8061536, 1, 0}} source = 0x60e990 marker = 1466 #34 0x00007ffff509e643 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #35 0x00007ffff509e988 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #36 0x00007ffff509ea44 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #37 0x00007ffff67abc2d in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x60c1f0, flags=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:424 d = 0x60c210 canWait = true savedFlags = {i = 0} result = false #38 0x00007ffff6e6f94a in QGuiEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x60c1f0, flags=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qguieventdispatcher_glib.cpp:204 d = 0x60c210 saved_flags = {i = 0} returnValue = false #39 0x00007ffff676c086 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x7fffffffdf70, flags=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qeventloop.cpp:149 d = 0x8572a0 #40 0x00007ffff676c210 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x7fffffffdf70, flags=...) at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qeventloop.cpp:204 d = 0x8572a0 locker = {val = 6336488} app = 0x7fffffffe010 eventLoop = 0x7fffffffdf80 #41 0x00007ffff676f236 in QCoreApplication::exec () at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1218 threadData = 0x60aed0 eventLoop = { = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7ffff6b2d630 , static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff687adc0 "QObject", data = 0x7ffff687ad00 , extradata = 0x7ffff6b2a9a0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff678ecdc }, d_ptr = {d = 0x8572a0}, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6889f40 "Qt", data = 0x7ffff6887960 , extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff6b2a9c0 , stringdata = 0x7ffff6892310 "QEventLoop", data = 0x7ffff68922c0 , extradata = 0x7ffff6b2d5e0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff67ef3f4 }} returnCode = 0 #42 0x00007ffff6d92a70 in QApplication::exec () at /home/petric/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp:3823 No locals. #43 0x0000000000404622 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe118) at ../SqlProblem/main.cpp:10 a = { = { = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7ffff7b3aad0 , static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff687adc0 "QObject", data = 0x7ffff687ad00 , extradata = 0x7ffff6b2a9a0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff678ecdc }, d_ptr = {d = 0x60ad20}, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6889f40 "Qt", data = 0x7ffff6887960 , extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff6b2a9c0 , stringdata = 0x7ffff68924c0 "QCoreApplication", data = 0x7ffff6892400 , extradata = 0x7ffff6b2d6c0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff67ef56c }, static self = 0x7fffffffe010}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff6b2d6e0 , stringdata = 0x7ffff7611700 "QApplication", data = 0x7ffff7611540 , extradata = 0x7ffff7b3aa80 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff6d97386 }} w = { = { = { = {_vptr.QObject = 0x407390 , static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff687adc0 "QObject", data = 0x7ffff687ad00 , extradata = 0x7ffff6b2a9a0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff678ecdc }, d_ptr = {d = 0x720b10}, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6889f40 "Qt", data = 0x7ffff6887960 , extradata = 0x0}}}, = {_vptr.QPaintDevice = 0x407558 , painters = 0}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff6b2a9c0 , stringdata = 0x7ffff7618d00 "QWidget", data = 0x7ffff7618840 , extradata = 0x7ffff7b3cb00 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x7ffff6e02c50 }, data = 0x720c58}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff7b3cb20 , stringdata = 0x7ffff76d85c0 "QMainWindow", data = 0x7ffff76d8460 , extradata = 0x7ffff7b65dc0 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x7ffff7b867e0 , static_metacall = 0x7ffff7601690 }}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x609520 , stringdata = 0x407320 "MainWindow", data = 0x4072a0 , extradata = 0x407210 }}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x406c34 }, ui = 0x799080, model = 0x811fc0, sort = 0x8565d0}