Crash Report Created with Crash Analyser Carbide Extension 1.7.1.v201109050117_479

Process             : qmediaplayer.exe
Thread              : qmediaplayer.exe[a000c613]0001::MMFControllerProxyServer-ab3
Stack Pointer       : 19a13cb8 
Link Register       : 81ebf3cd TPckgBuf::TPckgBuf(const TMMFMessageDestination&)
Program Counter     : 81ebf2d6 CProxyCustomInterfaceUtility::RemoveCustomInterface(TPckgBuf) (EXPORTED)
Crash Time          : 14:53:05
Crash Date          : 2012-05-31
Up Time             : 04:01:58.0
SW Version          : 113.001.1703 2012-04-04 RM-774 (c) Nokia
SW Version          : S60
Language            : English
Rom Id              : 0b8c6d80
Product Type        : RM-774
Imei                : 004402135775348
Free Ram            : 298782720
Production Mode     : R&D mode
Crash Source        : User
Thread Count        : 1
Process Count       : 1
Stack Count         : 1
File Hash           : 86e6cd54d5c4084243e3d4e156caeb13

Current Stack Pointer

Panic Description

Exceptions EExcDataAbort

The thread has tried to read data from an invalid address. (EExcDataAbort=23)


Exceptions are generated by internal and external sources to cause the processor to handle an event, such as an externally generated interrupt or an attempt to execute an Undefined instruction. The processor state just before handling the exception is normally preserved so that the original program can be resumed when the exception routine has completed. More than one exception can arise at the same time.

When an exception occurs, execution is forced from a fixed memory address corresponding to the type of exception. These fixed addresses are called the exception vectors.

Missing Symbols
Call stack may be incomplete because of missing SIS package symbols: qmediaplayer (1.0.0)

Key  0x00a3 Decrease volume key (EStdKeyDecVolume)
Key  0x00a3 Decrease volume key (EStdKeyDecVolume)
Key  0x00a3 Decrease volume key (EStdKeyDecVolume)
Key  0x00a3 Decrease volume key (EStdKeyDecVolume)
Key  0x00a3 Decrease volume key (EStdKeyDecVolume)
Win  qmediaplayer.exe[a000c613]0001::Main
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  swinstsvrui.exe[101f875a]0001::swinstsvrui
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Key  0x00b4 Home (EStdKeyApplication0)
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::VideoCompat
Key  0x00b4 Home (EStdKeyApplication0)
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::VideoCompat
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::VideoCompat
Key  0x00b4 Home (EStdKeyApplication0)
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::Main
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  swinstsvrui.exe[101f875a]0001::swinstsvrui
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::VideoCompat
Key  0x00b4 Home (EStdKeyApplication0)
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::Main
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  swinstsvrui.exe[101f875a]0001::swinstsvrui
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::Main
Win  homescreen.exe[102750f0]0001::Idle
Key  0x00b4 Home (EStdKeyApplication0)
Win  swinstsvrui.exe[101f875a]0001::swinstsvrui
Win  VideoCompat.exe[e3206a1d]0001::VideoCompat

Process Name : qmediaplayer.exe
Sid          : a000c613

Z:\sys\bin\mp3audioplaycontrollerplugin.dll: 0x7a964000 - 0x7a965178
Z:\sys\bin\mp3audiocontrollerutility.dll: 0x7a960000 - 0x7a960958
Z:\sys\bin\advancedaudiocontroller.dll: 0x7a890000 - 0x7a898cdc
C:\sys\bin\phonon.dll                 : 0x7a120000 - 0x7a13a7c4
C:\sys\bin\qico.dll                   : 0x7b8b0000 - 0x7b8b2214
C:\sys\bin\qjpeg.dll                  : 0x7b880000 - 0x7b89dff8
C:\sys\bin\qmng.dll                   : 0x7b6c0000 - 0x7b6e6f84
C:\sys\bin\qtiff.dll                  : 0x7ae40000 - 0x7ae75a18
C:\sys\bin\phonon_mmf.dll             : 0x7a100000 - 0x7a11212c
C:\sys\bin\qmediaplayer.exe           : 0x00410000 - 0x0041a1b8
Z:\sys\bin\CodDownload.dll            : 0x7c810000 - 0x7c810404
C:\sys\bin\QtOpenVG.dll               : 0x7c840000 - 0x7c84cd70
Z:\sys\bin\DownloadMgr.dll            : 0x7bdd0000 - 0x7bdd88cc
Z:\sys\bin\CodUi.dll                  : 0x7bdf0000 - 0x7bdf5a7c
C:\sys\bin\QtGui.dll                  : 0x7d400000 - 0x7d75e510
Z:\sys\bin\akninputlanguage.dll       : 0x7d814000 - 0x7d8148f0
C:\sys\bin\qvggraphicssystem.dll      : 0x7c864000 - 0x7c864a68
C:\sys\bin\QtSvg.dll                  : 0x7d380000 - 0x7d39e914
Z:\sys\bin\RoapHandler.DLL            : 0x7bd80000 - 0x7bd92da8
Z:\sys\bin\HttpDMServEng.dll          : 0x7bda0000 - 0x7bdacaf8
C:\sys\bin\qgif.dll                   : 0x7b8b8000 - 0x7b8ba2bc
C:\sys\bin\qsvg.dll                   : 0x7b8c8000 - 0x7b8c93d4
Z:\sys\bin\fotaengine.dll             : 0x7bdbc000 - 0x7bdbede0
Z:\sys\bin\CodEng.dll                 : 0x7bdc0000 - 0x7bdce280
Z:\sys\bin\multipartparser.dll        : 0x7bdb4000 - 0x7bdb6544
Z:\sys\bin\drmroapwbxmlparser.dll     : 0x7bdb8000 - 0x7bdb8600
z:\Sys\Bin\libopenvg_sw.dll           : 0x81ecb258 - 0x81f02db8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\akntransitionutils.dll     : 0x7ed64000 - 0x7ed64a70
Z:\sys\bin\aknnotify.dll              : 0x7ed68000 - 0x7ed6b0a8
Z:\sys\bin\servicehandler.dll         : 0x7ed70000 - 0x7ed74d04
Z:\sys\bin\aiwdialdata.dll            : 0x7ed78000 - 0x7ed78b80
Z:\sys\bin\aknskinsrv.dll             : 0x7ed80000 - 0x7ed924a0
Z:\sys\bin\AknIcon.dll                : 0x7eda0000 - 0x7eda93e0
Z:\sys\bin\aknskins.dll               : 0x7edb0000 - 0x7edbbc8c
Z:\sys\bin\alfappservercore.dll       : 0x7edc0000 - 0x7ede407c
Z:\sys\bin\alfdecoderserverclient.dll : 0x7ee10000 - 0x7ee13d50
Z:\sys\bin\libm.dll                   : 0x7ee20000 - 0x7ee30d04
Z:\sys\bin\libc.dll                   : 0x7ee40000 - 0x7ee63e1c
Z:\sys\bin\backend.dll                : 0x7ee80000 - 0x7ee965f8
Z:\sys\bin\libpthread.dll             : 0x7eea4000 - 0x7eea6554
Z:\sys\bin\khclient_vc4.dll           : 0x7eec0000 - 0x7eedf2f8
Z:\sys\bin\eglwindow.dll              : 0x7eee4000 - 0x7eee4b40
Z:\sys\bin\libEGL.dll                 : 0x7eeec000 - 0x7eeec9d8
C:\sys\bin\ws32.dll                   : 0x7ef60000 - 0x7ef6adcc
Z:\sys\bin\gfxtransadapter.dll        : 0x7ef5c000 - 0x7ef5e004
Z:\sys\bin\gfxalloccontrolclient.dll  : 0x7ef74000 - 0x7ef74510
Z:\sys\bin\gfxtrans.dll               : 0x7ef70000 - 0x7ef72f4c
z:\Sys\Bin\sgresource.dll             : 0x806d1ca8 - 0x806d3428
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\FntStr.dll                 : 0x80643e18 - 0x8064f604
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\ImageConversion.dll        : 0x80727478 - 0x8073d7d0
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\fbscli.dll                 : 0x806dd9e8 - 0x806fc6b8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mmfdevsound.dll            : 0x80752e28 - 0x80754630
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\BitmapTransforms.dll       : 0x8073eb18 - 0x8073f61c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mmfserverbaseclasses.dll   : 0x80b00b08 - 0x80b078b8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\MediaClientVideo.dll       : 0x80a226c8 - 0x80a2e180
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mediaclientaudiostream.dll : 0x80b16618 - 0x80b17de8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mediaclientaudio.dll       : 0x80b0dcf8 - 0x80b16588
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mmfstdsourceandsinkplugin.dll: 0x80b31718 - 0x80b352ec
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\mmfstandardcustomcommands.dll: 0x80b213f8 - 0x80b286b8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\BmpAnim.dll                : 0x80b9b468 - 0x80b9bf34
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\BitGdi.dll                 : 0x80c60428 - 0x80c73620
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\GsmU.dll                   : 0x80b433a8 - 0x80b53870
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\Cone.dll                   : 0x80b87568 - 0x80b93964
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\apserv.dll                 : 0x81636078 - 0x8163f5a0
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\FepBase.dll                : 0x8163fc28 - 0x81641a7c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\apfile.dll                 : 0x81625588 - 0x81626784
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\apgrfx.dll                 : 0x8162e2f8 - 0x81635fe8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\Egul.dll                   : 0x816b2078 - 0x816b701c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\etul.dll                   : 0x816b70a8 - 0x816ba5a0
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\Form.dll                   : 0x8168ef58 - 0x8169aa88
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\Tagma.dll                  : 0x8169ab18 - 0x816a8a70
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\10283389.dll               : 0x818a4ab8 - 0x81a3c068
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\10285d7b.dll               : 0x81a3c0e8 - 0x81a512f0
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\Clock.dll                  : 0x816c1dd8 - 0x816c33ec
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\101fe2aa.dll               : 0x81884b68 - 0x818a4a34
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\fileaudiooutput.dll        : 0x81a6b378 - 0x81a6bd80
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\devsoundaudiooutput.dll    : 0x81a69268 - 0x81a6a40c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\datasourceadapter.dll      : 0x81a66ec8 - 0x81a67a30
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\101f84b9.dll               : 0x81a51668 - 0x81a605ec
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\hwrmuiplugin.dll           : 0x81c0f438 - 0x81c0f7a8
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\hlplch.dll                 : 0x81bc4d98 - 0x81bc537c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\directorylocalizer.dll     : 0x81b2a008 - 0x81b2a808
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\102827cf.dll               : 0x81a74088 - 0x81a7730c
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\environmentalreverbeffect.dll: 0x81e8e798 - 0x81e8ee94
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\bassboosteffect.dll        : 0x81e8b208 - 0x81e8b7b4
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\audioequalizereffect.dll   : 0x81e895a8 - 0x81e89e30
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\oommonitor.dll             : 0x81d9b4c8 - 0x81da0e20
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\custominterfacebuilder.dll : 0x81ebe6c8 - 0x81ebedac
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\IclExtJpegApi.dll          : 0x81eb1fe8 - 0x81eb3f74
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\stereowideningeffect.dll   : 0x81e9b658 - 0x81e9bca4
    XIP: true
Z:\sys\bin\loudnesseffect.dll         : 0x81e94468 - 0x81e94a2c
    XIP: true
C:\sys\bin\QtCore.dll                 : 0x7dc00000 - 0x7dd56290
Z:\sys\bin\wpasecuritysettingsui.dll  : 0x7de38000 - 0x7de3a30c
Z:\sys\bin\wepsecuritysettingsui.dll  : 0x7de3c000 - 0x7de3e93c
Z:\sys\bin\drmutilitycommon.dll       : 0x7df50000 - 0x7df524b0
Z:\sys\bin\apengine.dll               : 0x7d900000 - 0x7d9115f0
Z:\sys\bin\wlanstate.dll              : 0x7d944000 - 0x7d944e78
Z:\sys\bin\metadatautility.dll        : 0x7dae0000 - 0x7dafcf84
Z:\sys\bin\3gpextparser.dll           : 0x7db80000 - 0x7db82294
Z:\sys\bin\aknfepuiavkonplugin.dll    : 0x7e360000 - 0x7e377c7c
Z:\sys\bin\avkonfep.dll               : 0x7e380000 - 0x7e3e9048
Z:\sys\bin\aknjapanesereading.dll     : 0x7e418000 - 0x7e418540
Z:\sys\bin\aknfepuiinterface.dll      : 0x7e41c000 - 0x7e41c4f4
Z:\sys\bin\DrmRightsInfoImpl.dll      : 0x7df54000 - 0x7df54728
Z:\sys\bin\DrmRightsInfo.dll          : 0x7df58000 - 0x7df58248
Z:\sys\bin\libdl.dll                  : 0x7e18c000 - 0x7e18d044
Z:\sys\bin\connmon.dll                : 0x7e280000 - 0x7e295d60
Z:\sys\bin\FavouritesEngine.dll       : 0x7e588000 - 0x7e58fac0
Z:\sys\bin\mtur.dll                   : 0x7e584000 - 0x7e585a3c
Z:\sys\bin\commondialogs.dll          : 0x7e5a0000 - 0x7e5a9d88
Z:\sys\bin\commonui.dll               : 0x7e590000 - 0x7e59e17c
Z:\sys\bin\eikcdlg.dll                : 0x7e54c000 - 0x7e54e568
Z:\sys\bin\DRMUtility.dll             : 0x7e510000 - 0x7e510b54
Z:\sys\bin\SWInstCli.dll              : 0x7e580000 - 0x7e580e68
Z:\sys\bin\akninit.dll                : 0x7e550000 - 0x7e5505bc
Z:\sys\bin\DrmParsers.DLL             : 0x7e758000 - 0x7e75ece0
Z:\sys\bin\httpfiltercommon.dll       : 0x7e754000 - 0x7e755224
Z:\sys\bin\extendedconnpref.dll       : 0x7e7f8000 - 0x7e7f83e0
Z:\sys\bin\swiutils.dll               : 0x7e7f0000 - 0x7e7f0144
Z:\sys\bin\AknMemoryCardUi.DLL        : 0x7e5b4000 - 0x7e5b443c
Z:\sys\bin\Sendui.dll                 : 0x7e5b0000 - 0x7e5b3f20
Z:\sys\bin\MSGS.dll                   : 0x7e6c0000 - 0x7e6f3f08
Z:\sys\bin\libstdcppv5.dll            : 0x7e5c0000 - 0x7e5eb478
Z:\sys\bin\xmlframework.dll           : 0x7e9e4000 - 0x7e9e6488
Z:\sys\bin\cmmanagerdatabase.dll      : 0x7e9e8000 - 0x7e9eed00
Z:\sys\bin\cmmanager.dll              : 0x7e9c0000 - 0x7e9ddc74
Z:\sys\bin\nvgdecoder.dll             : 0x7e9e0000 - 0x7e9e38dc
Z:\sys\bin\libOpenVG.dll              : 0x7e9b0000 - 0x7e9b0b80
Z:\sys\bin\libOpenVGU.dll             : 0x7e9b8000 - 0x7e9b8550
Z:\sys\bin\sqldb.dll                  : 0x7e8b8000 - 0x7e8bd534
Z:\sys\bin\aknskinrenderlib.dll       : 0x7e980000 - 0x7e99b0a0
Z:\sys\bin\peninputclient.dll         : 0x7ead8000 - 0x7eada9c8
Z:\sys\bin\EikCoCtlLaf.dll            : 0x7eadc000 - 0x7eadec7c
Z:\sys\bin\ptiengine.dll              : 0x7eac0000 - 0x7eacda78
Z:\sys\bin\phoneclient.dll            : 0x7ead0000 - 0x7ead5140
Z:\sys\bin\eikdlg.dll                 : 0x7ea80000 - 0x7ea92a50
Z:\sys\bin\eikctl.dll                 : 0x7eaa0000 - 0x7eab7950
Z:\sys\bin\DRMHelper.dll              : 0x7e9f0000 - 0x7e9f9e3c
Z:\sys\bin\SVGEngine.dll              : 0x7ea00000 - 0x7ea701b0
Z:\sys\bin\libGLESv1_CM.dll           : 0x7ed0c000 - 0x7ed0cdb0
Z:\sys\bin\touchfeedback.dll          : 0x7ed08000 - 0x7ed0a92c
Z:\sys\bin\aknphysics.dll             : 0x7ed04000 - 0x7ed06ed0
Z:\sys\bin\COMMONENGINE.DLL           : 0x7ed00000 - 0x7ed014b0
Z:\sys\bin\avkon.dll                  : 0x7ec00000 - 0x7ecce9e0
Z:\sys\bin\eikcoctl.dll               : 0x7eb80000 - 0x7ebdecf0
Z:\sys\bin\hitchcock.dll              : 0x7eb00000 - 0x7eb7aa8c
Z:\sys\bin\m3gcore.dll                : 0x7eae0000 - 0x7eafbaf8
Z:\sys\bin\EikSrvc.dll                : 0x7ed60000 - 0x7ed60a74
Z:\sys\bin\alfclient.dll              : 0x7ed40000 - 0x7ed5ef9c
Z:\sys\bin\EikCore.dll                : 0x7ed30000 - 0x7ed3ac54
Z:\sys\bin\UikLaf.dll                 : 0x7ed2c000 - 0x7ed2e2f4
Z:\sys\bin\akncapserverclient.dll     : 0x7ed28000 - 0x7ed292e0
Z:\sys\bin\FontProvider.dll           : 0x7ed20000 - 0x7ed254e4
Z:\sys\bin\FontUtils.dll              : 0x7ed1c000 - 0x7ed1c64c
Z:\sys\bin\ftokenclient.dll           : 0x7ed18000 - 0x7ed180fc

Thread Name  : qmediaplayer.exe[a000c613]0001::MMFControllerProxyServer-ab3
Exit Type    : Exception
Last CPU     : 0
Exit Reason  : EExcDataAbort

Register Name : Supervisor
R13        9204a000    
R14        8005bab8    __ArmVectorSwi (EXPORTED)
SPSR       a0000010    

Register Name : User
R13        19a13cb8    
R14        81ebf3cd    TPckgBuf::TPckgBuf(const TMMFMessageDestination&)

Register Name : Common
R0         2b820bb0    
R1         2b822c18    
R2         dededede    
R3         19a13d08    
R4         2b822c00    
R5         2b822d10    
R6         2b822c00    
R7         2b822cd0    
R8         19a13e24    
R9         00000040    
R10        c8d9a430    
R11        00000000    
R12        00000000    
R15        81ebf2d6    CProxyCustomInterfaceUtility::RemoveCustomInterface(TPckgBuf) (EXPORTED)
CPSR       20000030    

Register Name : Co-processor
FSR        00000005    
FAR        dededee2    

Stack Type   : User
Stack Range  : 19a12000-19a14000
Defect Hash  : 6253e142a397509eb8dca4105602ac39
Detailed Defect Hash: 1838e4c3825b5c434c79788ed6c6af4a

19a13c90    19a13ce0    .<..  0000      
19a13c94    81ebf3a7    ....    0009    ProxyCustomInterfaceUtility.o(t._ZN12TAlignedBuf8ILi20EEC1Ei)  TAlignedBuf8<(int)20>::TAlignedBuf8(int)
19a13c98    2b822c00    .,.+    0000      
19a13c9c    81ebf3b3    ....    000b    ProxyCustomInterfaceUtility.o(t._ZN8TPckgBufI22TMMFMessageDestinationEC1ERKS0_)  TPckgBuf<TMMFMessageDestination>::TPckgBuf(const TMMFMessageDestination&)
19a13ca0    00000014    ....    0000      
19a13ca4    2b822c00    .,.+    0000      
19a13ca8    2b822d10    .-.+    0000      
19a13cac    2b822c00    .,.+    0000      
19a13cb0    2b822cd0    .,.+    0000      
19a13cb4    81ebf2b5    ....    0017    ProxyCustomInterfaceUtility.o(.text)  CProxyCustomInterfaceUtility::RemoveCustomInterface(TPckgBuf<TMMFMessageDestination>) (EXPORTED)

<<<<<<<<<< CURRENT STACK POINTER >>>>>>>>>>

19a13cb8    81ebf470    p...    0000      

LR :81ebf3cd TPckgBuf::TPckgBuf(const TMMFMessageDestination&)
PC :81ebf2d6 CProxyCustomInterfaceUtility::RemoveCustomInterface(TPckgBuf) (EXPORTED)
SP :19a13cb8 


19a13cbc    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cc0    30000014    ...0    0000      DES16(20/20):".........."
19a13cc4    00000014    ....    0000      
19a13cc8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ccc    fffffffe    ....    0000      
19a13cd0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cd4    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cd8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cdc    2b820080    ...+    0000      
19a13ce0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ce4    fffffffe    ....    0000      
19a13ce8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cec    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cf0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13cf4    2b822c00    .,.+    0000      
19a13cf8    2b822c50    P,.+    0000      
19a13cfc    81e8abbf    ....    0035    AudioEqualizerProxy.o(.text)  CAudioEqualizerProxy::~CAudioEqualizerProxy() (EXPORTED)
19a13d00    2b822c00    .,.+    0000      
19a13d04    81ebf29f    ....    0001    ProxyCustomInterfaceUtility.o(.text)  CProxyCustomInterfaceUtility::RemoveCustomInterface(TPckgBuf<TMMFMessageDestination>) (EXPORTED)
19a13d08    30000014    ...0    0000      DES16(20/20):"* ........"
19a13d0c    00000014    ....    0000      
19a13d10    1020382a    *8 .    0000      
19a13d14    00000002    ....    0000      
19a13d18    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13d1c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13d20    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13d24    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13d28    2b681c20    .h+     0000      
19a13d2c    2b822de8    .-.+    0000      
19a13d30    00000004    ....    0000      
19a13d34    00000005    ....    0000      
19a13d38    2b820e2c    ,..+    0000      
19a13d3c    81e8abe7    ....    0007    AudioEqualizerProxy.o(.text)  CAudioEqualizerProxy::~CAudioEqualizerProxy__deallocating() (EXPORTED)
19a13d40    2b822de8    .-.+    0000      
19a13d44    81e8a13b    ;...    007b    AudioEqualizerMessageHandler.o(.text)  CAudioEqualizerMessageHandler::~CAudioEqualizerMessageHandler() (EXPORTED)
19a13d48    2b820e68    h..+    0000      
19a13d4c    00000004    ....    0000      
19a13d50    00000005    ....    0000      
19a13d54    81e8a149    I...    0007    AudioEqualizerMessageHandler.o(.text)  CAudioEqualizerMessageHandler::~CAudioEqualizerMessageHandler__deallocating() (EXPORTED)
19a13d58    2b820e68    h..+    0000      
19a13d5c    80b1e97b    {...    0021    MMFControllerFramework.o(t._ZN13RPointerArrayI10CMMFObjectE15ResetAndDestroyEv)  RPointerArray<CMMFObject>::ResetAndDestroy()
19a13d60    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13d64    2b820e28    (..+    0000      
19a13d68    2b8208a4    ...+    0000      
19a13d6c    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13d70    2b8208fc    ...+    0000      
19a13d74    80b1a7f1    ....    000f    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFObjectContainer::~CMMFObjectContainer() (EXPORTED)
19a13d78    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13d7c    80b1a805    ....    0007    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFObjectContainer::~CMMFObjectContainer__deallocating() (EXPORTED)
19a13d80    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13d84    80b1c483    ....    0021    mmfcontrollerserver.o(.text)  CMMFController::~CMMFController__sub_object() (EXPORTED)
19a13d88    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13d8c    7a8904a7    ...z    0047    AdvancedAudioController.o(.text)  CAdvancedAudioController::~CAdvancedAudioController() (EXPORTED)
19a13d90    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13d94    2b681024    $.h+    0000      
19a13d98    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13d9c    7a890b9f    ...z    0127    AdvancedAudioPlayController.o(.text)  CAdvancedAudioPlayController::~CAdvancedAudioPlayController__sub_object() (EXPORTED)
19a13da0    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13da4    ffff8001    ....    0000      
19a13da8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13dac    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13db0    2b820938    8..+    0000      
19a13db4    8055d013    ..U.    0001    ub_act.o(.text)  CActiveScheduler::WaitForAnyRequest() (EXPORTED)
19a13db8    19a13e30    0>..  0000      
19a13dbc    7a964349    IC.z    00cf    MP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin.o(.text)  CMP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin::~CMP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin() (EXPORTED)
19a13dc0    2b820878    x..+    0000      
19a13dc4    2b8205c0    ...+    0000      
19a13dc8    19a13e58    X>..  0000      
19a13dcc    8055d013    ..U.    0001    ub_act.o(.text)  CActiveScheduler::WaitForAnyRequest() (EXPORTED)
19a13dd0    19a13e30    0>..  0000      
19a13dd4    7a96435b    [C.z    0007    MP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin.o(.text)  CMP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin::~CMP3AudioPlayControllerPlugin__deallocating() (EXPORTED)
19a13dd8    2b8205c0    ...+    0000      
19a13ddc    80b1ac77    w...    0019    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxySession::~CMMFControllerProxySession() (EXPORTED)
19a13de0    2b82056c    l..+    0000      
19a13de4    80b1aca3    ....    0007    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxySession::~CMMFControllerProxySession__deallocating() (EXPORTED)
19a13de8    2b82056c    l..+    0000      
19a13dec    80561a8d    ..V.    000b    ub_svr.o(.text)  CSession2::Disconnect(const RMessage2&) (EXPORTED)
19a13df0    2b820548    H..+    0000      
19a13df4    80561e67    g.V.    001d    ub_svr.o(.text)  CServer2::Disconnect(const RMessage2&)
19a13df8    2b820548    H..+    0000      
19a13dfc    80558988    ..U.    0038    uc_utl_.o(.emb_text)  CServer2::RunL() (EXPORTED)
19a13e00    2b820528    (..+    0000      
19a13e04    80558938    8.U.    0078    uc_utl_.o(.emb_text)  CActiveScheduler::DoRunL(CActiveScheduler::TLoop**const volatile &, CActive*volatile &, CActiveScheduler::TCleanupBundle*)
19a13e08    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e0c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e10    2b820520    ..+     0000      
19a13e14    2b8204b0    ...+    0000      
19a13e18    00000100    ....    0000      
19a13e1c    8055cdcd    ..U.    0039    ub_act.o(.text)  CActiveScheduler::Run(CActiveScheduler::TLoop**const volatile &)
19a13e20    2b820030    0..+    0000      
19a13e24    2b8204b0    ...+    0000      
19a13e28    80b1f0e8    ....    0000      
19a13e2c    2b820494    ...+    0000      
19a13e30    2b820548    H..+    0000      
19a13e34    2b820520    ..+     0000      
19a13e38    19a13e58    X>..  0000      
19a13e3c    2b820520    ..+     0000      
19a13e40    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e44    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e48    19a13e54    T>..  0000      
19a13e4c    8055ce75    u.U.    003d    ub_act.o(.text)  CActiveScheduler::Start(CActiveScheduler::TLoop**)
19a13e50    2b820494    ...+    0000      
19a13e54    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e58    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13e5c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e60    2b820548    H..+    0000      
19a13e64    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e68    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13e6c    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13e70    2b820520    ..+     0000      
19a13e74    2b820494    ...+    0000      
19a13e78    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13e7c    80b1a003    ....    0033    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxyServer::DoStartThreadL(void*)
19a13e80    2b820490    ...+    0000      
19a13e84    19a13e94    .>..  0000      
19a13e88    2b820494    ...+    0000      
19a13e8c    80b1a03d    =...    002f    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxyServer::StartThread(void*) (EXPORTED)
19a13e90    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13e94    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13e98    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13e9c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ea0    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13ea4    80b1a00f    ....    0001    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxyServer::StartThread(void*) (EXPORTED)
19a13ea8    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13eac    00413f14    .?A.    3f14    qmediaplayer.exe  (N/A)
19a13eb0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13eb4    8054f52d    -.T.    0001    cppsemantics.o(.text)  __ARM::default_unexpected_handler() (EXPORTED)
19a13eb8    8054e1b9    ..T.    0001    symbian_support.o(.text)  __default_terminate_handler() (EXPORTED)
19a13ebc    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ec0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ec4    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ec8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ecc    19a13ed0    .>..  0000      
19a13ed0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ed4    2b820348    H..+    0000      
19a13ed8    2b820000    ...+    0000      
19a13edc    41f10000    ...A    0000      
19a13ee0    00001000    ....    0000      
19a13ee4    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ee8    19a13f3c    <?..  0000      
19a13eec    8057972b    +.W.    0001    heap_hybrid.o(.text)  RHybridHeap::ReAlloc(void*, int, int) (EXPORTED)
19a13ef0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ef4    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ef8    00000018    ....    0000      
19a13efc    805642cb    .BV.    001b    us_exec.o(.text)  User::ReAlloc(void*, int, int) (EXPORTED)
19a13f00    00000003    ....    0000      
19a13f04    19a13fdc    .?..    0000      
19a13f08    00000002    ....    0000      
19a13f0c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13f10    19a13f38    8?..    0000      
19a13f14    8057345b    [4W.    0045    array.o(.text)  RArrayBase::Insert(const void*, int) (EXPORTED)
19a13f18    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13f1c    19a13fc8    .?..    0000      
19a13f20    19a13fdc    .?..    0000      
19a13f24    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f28    2b820000    ...+    0000      
19a13f2c    8057efdb    ..W.    006d    uc_data.o(.text)  TLocalThreadData::DllSetTls(int, int, void*)
19a13f30    19a13fdc    .?..    0000      
19a13f34    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13f38    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f3c    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f40    00413d48    H=A.    3d48    qmediaplayer.exe  (N/A)
19a13f44    19a13fc8    .?..    0000      
19a13f48    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f4c    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f50    80551178    x.U.    0008    symbian_support.o(.constdata__ZTV15XLeaveException)  vtable for XLeaveException (EXPORTED)
19a13f54    ffffffff    ....    0000      
19a13f58    80b1a00f    ....    0001    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxyServer::StartThread(void*) (EXPORTED)
19a13f5c    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13f60    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13f64    19a13f88    .?..    0000      
19a13f68    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13f6c    00002000    . ..    0000      
19a13f70    00410000    ..A.    0000    qmediaplayer.exe  (N/A)
19a13f74    00413da0    .=A.    3da0    qmediaplayer.exe  (N/A)
19a13f78    00000001    ....    0000      
19a13f7c    19a12000    . ..    0000      
19a13f80    00002000    . ..    0000      
19a13f84    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13f88    00000038    8...    0000      
19a13f8c    00000003    ....    0000      
19a13f90    80b1a00f    ....    0001    MMFControllerFramework.o(.text)  CMMFControllerProxyServer::StartThread(void*) (EXPORTED)
19a13f94    00435b9c    .[C.    0000      
19a13f98    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13f9c    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13fa0    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13fa4    00002000    . ..    0000      
19a13fa8    fffffffb    ....    0000      
19a13fac    10000000    ....    0000      
19a13fb0    91fe1f6c    l...    0000      
19a13fb4    00000040    @...    0000      
19a13fb8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13fbc    00000100    ....    0000      
19a13fc0    00200000    .. .    0000      
19a13fc4    00000008    ....    0000      
19a13fc8    2b820000    ...+    0000      
19a13fcc    2b820520    ..+     0000      
19a13fd0    2b820494    ...+    0000      
19a13fd4    00000ab3    ....    0000      
19a13fd8    2b820000    ...+    0000      
19a13fdc    00000006    ....    0000      
19a13fe0    2b823118    .1.+    0000      
19a13fe4    0000000c    ....    0000      
19a13fe8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13fec    00000006    ....    0000      
19a13ff0    00000002    ....    0000      
19a13ff4    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ff8    00000000    ....    0000      
19a13ffc    00000000    ....    0000      

Name: Qt                                       UID: 2001e61c   Version: 4.8.2
Name: numChunks                                UID: ea2aea24   Version: 1.0.0
Name: qmediaplayer                             UID: a000c613   Version: 1.0.0