Locals atom 0x0 Atom* en @0x7f813d5bbe00 ExampleNode fileTitle "page" QString fullName link "qt3d-assimp-example.html" QString & node @0x7f813d5bbe00 ExampleNode this @0x7ffdf23d39e0 WebXMLGenerator writer @0x29cc06d0 QXmlStreamWriter & baseNameAttr "" QString brief "Examples that demonstrate 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D" QString declLocation @0x1e9991e8 Location & groups <1 items> QStringList href "qt3d-examples.html" QString logicalModuleName "" QString logicalModuleVersion "" QString moduleNameAttr "" QString moduleVerAttr "" QString node @0x1e9991b0 PageNode nodeName "page" QString objName "qt3d-examples.html" QString post @0x7ffdf23d39e0 WebXMLGenerator qmlFullBaseName "" QString this @0x26ab61c0 QDocIndexFiles writer @0x29cc06d0 QXmlStreamWriter & Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f81437e1cc0 (LWP 180761) "qdoc"): #0 WebXMLGenerator::startLink (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, writer=..., atom=0x0, node=0x7f813d5bbe00, link=...) at /home/qt/work/install/include/QtCore/qarraydatapointer.h:105 en = 0x7f813d5bbe00 fileTitle = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x347984e u"page", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} fullName = #1 0x00000000005dfee6 in WebXMLGenerator::generateAnnotatedList (this=this@entry=0x7ffdf23d39e0, writer=..., relative=relative@entry=0x1e9991b0, nodeList=...) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/text.h:34 link = {d = {d = 0x2a165ba0, ptr = 0x2a165bb0 u"qt3d-assimp-example.html", size = 24}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} node = 0x7f813d5bbe00 __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = #2 0x00000000005e04a7 in WebXMLGenerator::addAtomElements (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, writer=..., atom=0x1f6852d0, relative=0x1e9991b0, marker=) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:277 cn = keepQuoting = false #3 0x00000000005e33d1 in WebXMLGenerator::append (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, writer=..., node=0x1e9991b0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:203 atom = alsoList = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x2b433a10, ptr = 0x2b433a20, size = 1}} #4 0x00000000005a1852 in QDocIndexFiles::generateIndexSection (this=this@entry=0x26ab61c0, writer=..., node=node@entry=0x1e9991b0, post=post@entry=0x7ffdf23d3d18) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/qdocindexfiles.cpp:1155 nodeName = {d = {d = 0x2b8e4190, ptr = 0x2b8e41a0 u"page", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} logicalModuleName = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} logicalModuleVersion = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} qmlFullBaseName = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} baseNameAttr = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} moduleNameAttr = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} moduleVerAttr = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} objName = {d = {d = 0x1f6dfbb0, ptr = 0x1f6dfbc0 u"qt3d-examples.html", size = 18}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} href = {d = {d = 0x2a19ec30, ptr = 0x2a19ec40 u"qt3d-examples.html", size = 18}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} declLocation = @0x1e9991e8: {m_stkBottom = {m_filePath = {d = {d = 0x1c99fdf0, ptr = 0x1c99fe00 u"/data1/kleint/qt-65/qt-65/qt3d/src/core/doc/src/qt3d-examples.qdoc", size = 66}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_lineNo = 4, m_columnNo = 4}, m_stk = 0x0, m_stkTop = 0x1e9991e8, m_stkDepth = 1, m_etc = false, static s_tabSize = 8, static s_warningCount = 205, static s_warningLimit = -1, static s_programName = {d = {d = 0x4ee0eb0, ptr = 0x4ee0ec0 u"qdoc", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_project = {d = {d = 0x27ef8240, ptr = 0x27ef8250 u"Qt3D", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_spuriousRegExp = 0x29c9d020} groups = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x1ee6c8b0, ptr = 0x1ee6c8c0, size = 1}} brief = {d = {d = 0x2b8b4c10, ptr = 0x2b8b4c20 u"Examples that demonstrate 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D", size = 57}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} namespaceNode = #5 0x00000000005a2871 in QDocIndexFiles::generateIndexSection (post=0x7ffdf23d3d18, node=0x1e9991b0, writer=..., this=0x26ab61c0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/node.h:131 nodeName = logicalModuleName = logicalModuleVersion = qmlFullBaseName = objName = href = baseNameAttr = moduleNameAttr = moduleVerAttr = declLocation = groups = brief = nodeName = logicalModuleName = logicalModuleVersion = qmlFullBaseName = baseNameAttr = moduleNameAttr = moduleVerAttr = objName = href = declLocation = groups = brief = fullName = p = classNode = bases = baseStrings = related = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = n = baseStringsAsList = headerNode = namespaceNode = qmlTypeNode = pageNode = collectionNode = qmlPropertyNode = propertyNode = i = role = fnNode = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = variableNode = enumNode = items = item = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = typedefNode = external = targets = target = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = title = name = keywords = keyword = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = title = name = i = item = level = title = exampleNode = files = images = file = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = href = file = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = href = #6 QDocIndexFiles::generateIndexSections (post=0x7ffdf23d3d18, node=0x1e9991b0, writer=..., this=0x26ab61c0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/qdocindexfiles.cpp:1326 No locals. #7 QDocIndexFiles::generateIndexSections (this=this@entry=0x26ab61c0, writer=..., node=, post=post@entry=0x7ffdf23d3d18) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/qdocindexfiles.cpp:1313 aggregate = nonFunctionList = node = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = groups = modules = qmlModules = it = it = it = #8 0x00000000005dd707 in WebXMLGenerator::generateIndexSections (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, writer=..., node=0x1e9991b0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:147 qdocIndexFiles = 0x26ab61c0 #9 0x00000000005de720 in WebXMLGenerator::generatePageNode (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, pn=0x1e9991b0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:91 data = {d = {d = 0x2b9213a0, ptr = 0x2b9213b0 "\n\n \n \n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "Examples that demonstrate 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D.\n", ' ' , "The following examples demonstrate 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D.\n", ' ' , "
\n", ' ' , "QML Examples\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "A QML example that demonstrates rendering a Scenegraph from multiple viewports.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "A QML application that demonstrates using PBR materials.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "A QML application that demonstrates how to render a scene in Qt 3D.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "Demonstrates creating a custom material in Qt 3D.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "A Qt 3D QML application that implements a single-pass wireframe rendering method.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "Demonstrates creating advanced materials in Qt3D.\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , "\n", ' ' , " c = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = #12 0x00000000005dd986 in WebXMLGenerator::generateDocumentation (node=, this=0x7ffdf23d39e0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:260 c = 0x1e9991b0 __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = aggregate = #13 WebXMLGenerator::generateDocumentation (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0, node=) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/webxmlgenerator.cpp:231 aggregate = c = __for_range = __for_begin = __for_end = #14 0x0000000000550474 in HtmlGenerator::generateDocs (this=0x7ffdf23d39e0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.cpp:233 qflags = #15 0x0000000000570b2b in processQdocconfFile (fileName=...) at /home/qt/work/qt/qttools/src/qdoc/main.cpp:578 generator = 0x7ffdf23d39e0 format = @0x2a16c900: {d = {d = 0xfc00580, ptr = 0xfc00590 u"WebXML", size = 6}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} __for_range = @0x7ffdf23d3278: {q_hash = {d = 0x29aae110}} __for_begin = __for_end = config = @0x45ec240: {> = {}, static dot = {d = {d = 0x4eb2230, ptr = 0x4eb2240 u".", size = 1}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static generateExamples = true, static installDir = {d = {d = 0x4ee0cc0, ptr = 0x4ee0cd0 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-", size = 26}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static overrideOutputDir = {d = {d = 0x4ee0ee0, ptr = 0x4ee0ef0 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/b", size = 35}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static overrideOutputFormats = {q_hash = {d = 0x0}}, m_dependModules = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0xf4d0470, ptr = 0xf4d0480, size = 5}}, m_defines = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, m_includePaths = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, m_indexDirs = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, m_exampleFiles = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, m_exampleDirs = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x2b79c6d0, ptr = 0x2b79c6e0, size = 4}}, m_currentDir = {d = {d = 0x2a182f60, ptr = 0x2a182f70 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/sources/pyside6/doc/qtmodules", size = 63}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_previousCurrentDir = {d = {d = 0x2b8deb10, ptr = 0x2b8deb20 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/build/testenv65d/build/pyside6/doc", size = 68}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_showInternal = false, static m_debug = false, static m_atomsDump = false, m_prog = {d = {d = 0x4ee0eb0, ptr = 0x4ee0ec0 u"qdoc", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_location = {m_stkBottom = {m_filePath = {d = {d = 0x4ee8280, ptr = 0x4ee8290 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/sources/pyside6/doc/qtmodules/pyside-qt3dextras.qdocconf", size = 90}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_lineNo = -2147483648, m_columnNo = 1}, m_stk = 0x0, m_stkTop = 0x45ec320 ::instance()::s_instance+224>, m_stkDepth = 1, m_etc = false, static s_tabSize = 8, static s_warningCount = 205, static s_warningLimit = -1, static s_programName = {d = {d = 0x4ee0eb0, ptr = 0x4ee0ec0 u"qdoc", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_project = {d = {d = 0x27ef8240, ptr = 0x27ef8250 u"Qt3D", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_spuriousRegExp = 0x29c9d020}, m_lastLocation = {m_stkBottom = {m_filePath = {d = {d = 0x4ee8280, ptr = 0x4ee8290 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/sources/pyside6/doc/qtmodules/pyside-qt3dextras.qdocconf", size = 90}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_lineNo = 1, m_columnNo = 80}, m_stk = 0x29cf5c20, m_stkTop = 0x2b8e4260, m_stkDepth = 2, m_etc = false, static s_tabSize = 8, static s_warningCount = 205, static s_warningLimit = -1, static s_programName = {d = {d = 0x4ee0eb0, ptr = 0x4ee0ec0 u"qdoc", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_project = {d = {d = 0x27ef8240, ptr = 0x27ef8250 u"Qt3D", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_spuriousRegExp = 0x29c9d020}, m_configVars = {d = {d = 0x4ee0c80}}, static m_extractedDirs = {d = {d = 0x0}}, static m_workingDirs = {> = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x4eed160, ptr = 0x4eed170, size = 0}}, }, static m_includeFilesMap = {d = {d = 0x63b9600}}, m_parser = { = {d = 0x4ede030}, defineOption = {d = {d = 0x4ed7000}}, dependsOption = {d = {d = 0x4ed5a00}}, highlightingOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede1f0}}, showInternalOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede2c0}}, redirectDocumentationToDevNullOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede390}}, noExamplesOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede460}}, indexDirOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede530}}, installDirOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede600}}, outputDirOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede6d0}}, outputFormatOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede7a0}}, noLinkErrorsOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede870}}, autoLinkErrorsOption = {d = {d = 0x4ede940}}, debugOption = {d = {d = 0x4edea10}}, atomsDumpOption = {d = {d = 0x4edea90}}, prepareOption = {d = {d = 0x4edebb0}}, generateOption = {d = {d = 0x4edec80}}, logProgressOption = {d = {d = 0x4eded50}}, singleExecOption = {d = {d = 0x4edee20}}, includePathOption = {d = {d = 0x4edef70}}, includePathSystemOption = {d = {d = 0x4edf0a0}}, frameworkOption = {d = {d = 0x4edf250}}, timestampsOption = {d = {d = 0x4edf370}}, useDocBookExtensions = {d = {d = 0x4edf440}}}, m_qdocPass = Config::Generate} project = {d = {d = 0x2b8e6200, ptr = 0x2b8e6210 u"Qt3D", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'} search_directories = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x29c87c50, ptr = 0x29c87c60, size = 22}} image_search_directories = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x25a721f0, ptr = 0x25a72200, size = 4}} excludedDirList = @0x7ffdf23d3300: {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x19dea750, ptr = 0x19dea760, size = 2}} excludedDirs = {q_hash = {d = 0x4fb3da0}} excludedFilesList = @0x7ffdf23d3320: {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x2aea8cd0, ptr = 0x2aea8ce0, size = 14}} excludedFiles = {q_hash = {d = 0x2b434680}} exampleImageDirs = {q_hash = {d = 0x2b90b930}} exampleImageList = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x2b8a6d20, ptr = 0x2b8a6d30, size = 143}} validated_search_directories = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, >::_Vector_impl_data> = {_M_start = 0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}, }}, } file_resolver = {search_directories = { >> = {_M_impl = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, >::_Vector_impl_data> = {_M_start = 0x7f81360209a0, _M_finish = 0x7f8136020b68, _M_end_of_storage = 0x7f8136020ca0}, }}, }} htmlGenerator = { = { = {_vptr.Generator = 0x459fb28 , naturalLanguage = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, tagFile_ = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, outStreamStack = {> = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, }, static s_currentGenerator = 0x7ffdf23d39e0, static s_fmtLeftMaps = {d = {d = 0x4f51560}}, static s_fmtRightMaps = {d = {d = 0x4f37d30}}, static s_generators = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x4f5a200, ptr = 0x4f5a238, size = 3}}, static s_project = {d = {d = 0x10106910, ptr = 0x10106920 u"Qt3D", size = 4}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_outDir = {d = {d = 0x2541d1d0, ptr = 0x2541d1e0 u"/data1/kleint/tqtc-pyside-setup65/b/webxml", size = 42}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_outSubdir = {d = {d = 0x2b3cb8c0, ptr = 0x2b3cb8d0 u"webxml", size = 6}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, static s_outFileNames = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x2b92d140, ptr = 0x2b92d150, size = 253}}, static s_outputFormats = {q_hash = {d = 0x4f6c070}}, static s_outputPrefixes = {d = 0x146f8700}, static s_outputSuffixes = {d = 0x0}, static s_noLinkErrors = false, static s_autolinkErrors = false, static s_redirectDocumentationToDevNull = false, static s_useOutputSubdirs = false, static s_qmlTypeContext = 0x0, file_resolver = @0x7ffdf23d3380, m_qdb = 0x4ed7400, m_inLink = false, m_inContents = false, m_inSectionHeading = false, m_inTableHeader = false, m_threeColumnEnumValueTable = true, m_showInternal = false, m_quoting = false, m_numTableRows = 0, m_link = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_sectionNumber = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}}, refMap = {d = 0x0}, static m_funcLeftParen = {d = {d = 0x4eb9960}}, m_linkNode = 0x0}, static s_inUnorderedList = false, m_codeIndent = 0, m_codePrefix = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_codeSuffix = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_helpProjectWriter = 0x0, m_manifestWriter = 0x0, m_headerScripts = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_headerStyles = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_endHeader = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_postHeader = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_postPostHeader = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_prologue = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_footer = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_address = {d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, 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\n © 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.\n Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of\n their respective owners.
The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries\n worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete >, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete > >>, extradata = 0x0}}, static self = 0x7ffdf23d3e00} clangParser = { = { = {_vptr.CodeParser = 0x459e5b0 , m_moduleHeader = {d = {d = 0x24aff2b0, ptr = 0x24aff2c0 u"Qt3DDoc", size = 7}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_currentFile = {d = {d = 0x267c9cc0, ptr = 0x267c9cd0 u"/data1/kleint/qt-65/qt-65/qtwebengine/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebengineview.cpp", size = 81}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, m_qdb = 0x4ed7400, static s_parsers = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x4eddf90, ptr = 0x4eddfa8, size = 3}}, static s_showInternal = false}, m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap = {d = {d = 0x4ee3940}}, 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