qt.tools.qmlscene.deprecated: Warning: qmlscene is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Qt. Please use qml instead. qt.qpa: Loading macOS (Cocoa) platform plugin for Qt 6.4.0, running on macOS 12.3.0 Component SDK version Deployment target ------------- ------------- ------------------- Qt 6.4.0 12.3.0 10.14.0 Application 12.3.0 10.14.0 qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MenuFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got unseen family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 2 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MenuBarFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MenuItemFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MessageBoxFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::LabelFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::TipLabelFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::TitleBarFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::StatusBarFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MdiSubWindowTitleFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::DockWidgetTitleFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::PushButtonFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::CheckBoxFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::RadioButtonFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ToolButtonFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ItemViewFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ListViewFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::HeaderViewFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ListBoxFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ComboMenuItemFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::ComboLineEditFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::SmallFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::MiniFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font QPlatformTheme::SystemFont qt.qpa.fonts: Got already registered family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Populating theme font took 0 ms qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font database... qt.qpa.fonts: Populating available families took 13 ms qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family ".AppleSystemUIFont" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001672520> = { NSCTFontTraitsAttribute = { NSCTFontUIFontDesignTrait = NSCTFontUIFontDesignDefault; }; } resulted in 29 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167a6a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFont\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016736c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001672e80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontUltraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673c60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontUltraLightItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016716e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontThin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016739c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontThinItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001672a60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673b40> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontLightItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673000> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontMedium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673de0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontMediumItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673180> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontDemi\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673f00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontDemiItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167a820> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontEmphasized\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016732a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673840> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontEmphasizedItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654000> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontBoldItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001673420> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontHeavy\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654180> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontHeavyItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016735a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontBlack\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654300> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontBlackItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654420> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016549c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-UltraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654720> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016548a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654ae0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654c00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Semibold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016545a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654d80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Heavy\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001654f00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \".AppleSystemUIFontCondensed-Black\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Regular Italic" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "UltraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "UltraLight Italic" weight 100 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Thin Italic" weight 200 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Light Italic" weight 300 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Medium Italic" weight 500 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Semibold Italic" weight 600 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Bold Italic" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Bold Italic" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Heavy" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Heavy Italic" weight 800 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Black Italic" weight 900 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed UltraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Heavy" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemUIFont" stylename "Condensed Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 39 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.qpa.fonts: Resolved font smoothing algorithm. Defaults = { AppleFontSmoothing = ""; CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled = ""; } Result = QCoreTextFontEngine::Grayscale qt.qpa.fonts: Resolving fallbacks families for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' with style hint QFont::AnyStyle qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSystemFallback" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".Apple Symbols Fallback" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleSimplifiedChineseFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleTraditionalChineseFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleHongKongChineseFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleJapaneseFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".AppleKoreanFont" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".SF Arabic" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".Arial Hebrew Desk Interface" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".Lucida Grande UI" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName ".Apple Color Emoji UI" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Fallback families ordered by script 2: QList(".AppleSystemFallback", "Helvetica Neue", ".AppleSimplifiedChineseFont", ".AppleTraditionalChineseFont", ".AppleHongKongChineseFont", ".AppleJapaneseFont", ".AppleKoreanFont", ".SF Arabic", ".Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI", "Noto Sans Myanmar", "Noto Sans Zawgyi", ".Arial Hebrew Desk Interface", "Thonburi", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Kokonor", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Kohinoor Gujarati", "Mukta Mahee", "Noto Sans Kannada", "Khmer Sangam MN", "Lao Sangam MN", "Malayalam Sangam MN", "Noto Sans Oriya", "Sinhala Sangam MN", ".Lucida Grande UI", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Noto Sans Armenian", "Euphemia UCAS", "Helvetica", "Menlo", "Apple Symbols", "STIXGeneral", "Galvji", "Kefa", ".Apple Color Emoji UI", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", "Arial Unicode MS") qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemFallback [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemFallback' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica Neue [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Helvetica Neue" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001656ac0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Helvetica Neue"; } resulted in 14 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016565e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = HelveticaNeue;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016575a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-Italic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016571e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-UltraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657b40> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-UltraLightItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657180> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016577e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-ThinItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657120> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657840> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-LightItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001656d60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657540> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-MediumItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657ae0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657cc0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-BoldItalic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657c60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001656520> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Italic" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "UltraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "UltraLight Italic" weight 100 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Thin Italic" weight 200 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Light Italic" weight 300 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Medium Italic" weight 500 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Bold Italic" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Condensed Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica Neue" stylename "Condensed Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 5 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica Neue' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 14 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSimplifiedChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSimplifiedChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleTraditionalChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleTraditionalChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleHongKongChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleHongKongChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleJapaneseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleJapaneseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleKoreanFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleKoreanFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .SF Arabic [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.SF Arabic' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Myanmar [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Noto Sans Myanmar" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001655ce0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Noto Sans Myanmar"; } resulted in 9 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016572a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657ea0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-ExtraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001655860> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001655bc0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001655c20> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657f00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-SemiBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657f60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016798c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-ExtraBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001672520> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansMyanmar-Black\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "ExtraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "SemiBold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "ExtraBold" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Myanmar" stylename "Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Myanmar' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Zawgyi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Noto Sans Zawgyi" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016500c0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Noto Sans Zawgyi"; } resulted in 9 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016566a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167df80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167dec0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-ExtraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167df20> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167de60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167dfe0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-SemiBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e040> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e0a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-ExtraBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e100> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansZawgyi-Black\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "ExtraLight" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "SemiBold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "ExtraBold" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Zawgyi" stylename "Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Zawgyi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Arial Hebrew Desk Interface [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Thonburi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Thonburi" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e340> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Thonburi; } resulted in 3 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657300> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = Thonburi;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e3a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Thonburi-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e4c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Thonburi-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Thonburi" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Thonburi" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Thonburi" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Thonburi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Devanagari [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kohinoor Devanagari" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e700> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Kohinoor Devanagari"; } resulted in 5 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657360> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorDevanagari-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e7c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorDevanagari-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e760> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorDevanagari-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e820> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorDevanagari-Semibold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e880> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorDevanagari-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Devanagari" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Devanagari" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Devanagari" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Devanagari" stylename "Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Devanagari" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 3 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Devanagari' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kokonor [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kokonor" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000167e940> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Kokonor; } resulted in 1 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016573c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = Kokonor;\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kokonor" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kokonor' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Bangla [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kohinoor Bangla" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665440> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Kohinoor Bangla"; } resulted in 5 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657420> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorBangla-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665500> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorBangla-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016654a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorBangla-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665560> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorBangla-Semibold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016655c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorBangla-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Bangla" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Bangla" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Bangla" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Bangla" stylename "Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Bangla" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Bangla' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Gujarati [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kohinoor Gujarati" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665680> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Kohinoor Gujarati"; } resulted in 5 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657480> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorGujarati-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665740> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorGujarati-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016656e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorGujarati-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016657a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorGujarati-Semibold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665800> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorGujarati-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Gujarati" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Gujarati" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Gujarati" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Gujarati" stylename "Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Gujarati" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Gujarati' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Mukta Mahee [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Mukta Mahee" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016658c0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Mukta Mahee"; } resulted in 7 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016574e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016687e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-ExtraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668780> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668720> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668840> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-SemiBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016688a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668900> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MuktaMahee-ExtraBold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "ExtraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "SemiBold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Mukta Mahee" stylename "ExtraBold" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Mukta Mahee' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 7 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Kannada [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Noto Sans Kannada" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668d80> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Noto Sans Kannada"; } resulted in 9 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657600> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668f00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-ExtraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668ea0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668e40> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668de0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668f60> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-SemiBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001668fc0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669020> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-ExtraBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669080> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansKannada-Black\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "ExtraLight" weight 100 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "SemiBold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "ExtraBold" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Kannada" stylename "Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Kannada' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Khmer Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Khmer Sangam MN" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016691a0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Khmer Sangam MN"; } resulted in 1 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657660> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = KhmerSangamMN;\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Khmer Sangam MN" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Khmer Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Lao Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Lao Sangam MN" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016693e0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Lao Sangam MN"; } resulted in 1 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016576c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = LaoSangamMN;\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Lao Sangam MN" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Lao Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Malayalam Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Malayalam Sangam MN" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001650300> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Malayalam Sangam MN"; } resulted in 2 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657720> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = MalayalamSangamMN;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016502a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"MalayalamSangamMN-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Malayalam Sangam MN" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Malayalam Sangam MN" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Malayalam Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Oriya [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Noto Sans Oriya" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016501e0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Noto Sans Oriya"; } resulted in 2 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657780> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = NotoSansOriya;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001650180> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansOriya-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Oriya" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Oriya" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 0 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Oriya' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Sinhala Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Sinhala Sangam MN" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016504e0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Sinhala Sangam MN"; } resulted in 2 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016578a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = SinhalaSangamMN;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665380> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"SinhalaSangamMN-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Sinhala Sangam MN" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Sinhala Sangam MN" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Sinhala Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Lucida Grande UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Lucida Grande UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Tamil Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Tamil Sangam MN" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665fe0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Tamil Sangam MN"; } resulted in 2 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657960> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = TamilSangamMN;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665f80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"TamilSangamMN-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Tamil Sangam MN" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Tamil Sangam MN" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Tamil Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Telugu [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kohinoor Telugu" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016506c0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Kohinoor Telugu"; } resulted in 5 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016579c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorTelugu-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001650600> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorTelugu-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001650660> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorTelugu-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016505a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorTelugu-Semibold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001650720> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"KohinoorTelugu-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Telugu" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Telugu" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Telugu" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Telugu" stylename "Semibold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kohinoor Telugu" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Telugu' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Armenian [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Noto Sans Armenian" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016507e0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Noto Sans Armenian"; } resulted in 9 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657a20> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016692c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Thin\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669380> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-ExtraLight\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669320> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016693e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Medium\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669260> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-SemiBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669200> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669440> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-ExtraBold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016694a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"NotoSansArmenian-Black\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Thin" weight 200 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "ExtraLight" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Medium" weight 500 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "SemiBold" weight 600 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "ExtraBold" weight 800 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Noto Sans Armenian" stylename "Black" weight 900 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Armenian' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Euphemia UCAS [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Euphemia UCAS" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016695c0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Euphemia UCAS"; } resulted in 3 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657a80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = EuphemiaUCAS;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669620> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"EuphemiaUCAS-Italic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669680> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"EuphemiaUCAS-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Euphemia UCAS" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Euphemia UCAS" stylename "Italic" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Euphemia UCAS" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Euphemia UCAS' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Helvetica" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669740> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Helvetica; } resulted in 6 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001655020> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = Helvetica;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669980> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Helvetica-Oblique\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016697a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Helvetica-Light\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016699e0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Helvetica-LightOblique\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669a40> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Helvetica-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669aa0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Helvetica-BoldOblique\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Oblique" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Light" weight 300 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Light Oblique" weight 300 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Helvetica" stylename "Bold Oblique" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 6 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Menlo [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Menlo" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001665e60> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Menlo; } resulted in 4 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657ba0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Menlo-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669740> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Menlo-Italic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669d40> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Menlo-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669da0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Menlo-BoldItalic\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Menlo" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed true qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Menlo" stylename "Italic" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed true qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Menlo" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed true qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Menlo" stylename "Bold Italic" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed true qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Menlo' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 4000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Apple Symbols [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Apple Symbols" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001669f20> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Apple Symbols"; } resulted in 1 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657c00> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = AppleSymbols;\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Apple Symbols" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 0 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Apple Symbols' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: STIXGeneral [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "STIXGeneral" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a160> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = STIXGeneral; } resulted in 4 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657d20> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"STIXGeneral-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a1c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"STIXGeneral-Italic\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a220> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"STIXGeneral-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a280> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"STIXGeneral-BoldItalic\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "STIXGeneral" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "STIXGeneral" stylename "Italic" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "STIXGeneral" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "STIXGeneral" stylename "Bold Italic" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 4 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'STIXGeneral' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Galvji [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Galvji" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a340> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Galvji; } resulted in 4 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657d80> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = Galvji;\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a3a0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Galvji-Oblique\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a460> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Galvji-Bold\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x60000166a4c0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Galvji-BoldOblique\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Galvji" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Galvji" stylename "Oblique" weight 400 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Galvji" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Galvji" stylename "Bold Oblique" weight 700 style QFont::StyleItalic pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 2 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Galvji' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kefa [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Kefa" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016745a0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = Kefa; } resulted in 2 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001657de0> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Kefa-Regular\";\n}", "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001674300> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = \"Kefa-Bold\";\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kefa" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Kefa" stylename "Bold" weight 700 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kefa' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Apple Color Emoji UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Apple Color Emoji UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Apple Symbols Fallback [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Apple Symbols Fallback' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Arial Unicode MS [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Bold weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family "Arial Unicode MS" qt.qpa.fonts: Enumerating font variants based on NSCTFontDescriptor <0x6000016746c0> = { NSFontFamilyAttribute = "Arial Unicode MS"; } resulted in 1 matching descriptors ( "NSCTFontDescriptor <0x600001674720> = {\n NSFontNameAttribute = ArialUnicodeMS;\n}" ) qt.text.font.db: Adding font: familyName "Arial Unicode MS" stylename "Regular" weight 400 style QFont::StyleNormal pixelSize 0 antialiased true fixed false qt.qpa.fonts: Populating family took 1 ms qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Arial Unicode MS' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1e qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.qpa.fonts: Resolving fallbacks families for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' with style hint QFont::AnyStyle qt.qpa.fonts: Fallback families ordered by script 2: QList(".AppleSystemFallback", "Helvetica Neue", ".AppleSimplifiedChineseFont", ".AppleTraditionalChineseFont", ".AppleHongKongChineseFont", ".AppleJapaneseFont", ".AppleKoreanFont", ".SF Arabic", ".Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI", "Noto Sans Myanmar", "Noto Sans Zawgyi", ".Arial Hebrew Desk Interface", "Thonburi", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Kokonor", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Kohinoor Gujarati", "Mukta Mahee", "Noto Sans Kannada", "Khmer Sangam MN", "Lao Sangam MN", "Malayalam Sangam MN", "Noto Sans Oriya", "Sinhala Sangam MN", ".Lucida Grande UI", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Noto Sans Armenian", "Euphemia UCAS", "Helvetica", "Menlo", "Apple Symbols", "STIXGeneral", "Galvji", "Kefa", ".Apple Color Emoji UI", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", "Arial Unicode MS") qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemFallback [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemFallback' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica Neue [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica Neue' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 14 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSimplifiedChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSimplifiedChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleTraditionalChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleTraditionalChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleHongKongChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleHongKongChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleJapaneseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleJapaneseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleKoreanFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleKoreanFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .SF Arabic [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.SF Arabic' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Myanmar [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Myanmar' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Zawgyi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Zawgyi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Arial Hebrew Desk Interface [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Thonburi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Thonburi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Devanagari [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Devanagari' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kokonor [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kokonor' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Bangla [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Bangla' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Gujarati [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Gujarati' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Mukta Mahee [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Mukta Mahee' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 7 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Kannada [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Kannada' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Khmer Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Khmer Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Lao Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Lao Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Malayalam Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Malayalam Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Oriya [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Oriya' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Sinhala Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Sinhala Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Lucida Grande UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Lucida Grande UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Tamil Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Tamil Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Telugu [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Telugu' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Armenian [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Armenian' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Euphemia UCAS [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Euphemia UCAS' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 6 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Menlo [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Menlo' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 4000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Apple Symbols [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Apple Symbols' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: STIXGeneral [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'STIXGeneral' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Galvji [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Galvji' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kefa [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kefa' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Apple Color Emoji UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Apple Color Emoji UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Apple Symbols Fallback [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Apple Symbols Fallback' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Arial Unicode MS [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular Italic weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Arial Unicode MS' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x1000 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 2000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemFallback [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemFallback' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica Neue [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica Neue' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 14 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSimplifiedChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSimplifiedChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleTraditionalChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleTraditionalChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleHongKongChineseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleHongKongChineseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleJapaneseFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleJapaneseFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleKoreanFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleKoreanFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .SF Arabic [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.SF Arabic' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Noto Nastaliq Urdu UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Myanmar [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Myanmar' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Zawgyi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Zawgyi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Arial Hebrew Desk Interface [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Thonburi [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Thonburi' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Devanagari [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Devanagari' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kokonor [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kokonor' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Bangla [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Bangla' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Gujarati [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Gujarati' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Mukta Mahee [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Mukta Mahee' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 7 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Kannada [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Kannada' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Khmer Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Khmer Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Lao Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Lao Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Malayalam Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Malayalam Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Oriya [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Oriya' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Sinhala Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Sinhala Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .Lucida Grande UI [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.Lucida Grande UI' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Tamil Sangam MN [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Tamil Sangam MN' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 2 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Kohinoor Telugu [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Kohinoor Telugu' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 5 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Noto Sans Armenian [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Noto Sans Armenian' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 9 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Euphemia UCAS [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Euphemia UCAS' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 3 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Helvetica [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Helvetica' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 6 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Menlo [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Menlo' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 4000 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: Apple Symbols [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'Apple Symbols' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 1 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: STIXGeneral [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'STIXGeneral' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: STIXGeneral [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: Regular weight: 400, style: 0 stretch: 100 pixelSize: 13 pitch: p qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family 'STIXGeneral' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 4 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 400, style: 1 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff qt.text.font.match: QFontDatabasePrivate::match request: family: .AppleSystemUIFont [-- any --], script: 2 styleName: -- any -- weight: 700, style: 0 stretch: 0 pixelSize: 13 pitch: * qt.text.font.match: REMARK: looking for best foundry for family '.AppleSystemUIFont' [1] qt.text.font.match: looking for matching style in foundry 'CoreText' 27 qt.text.font.match: best style has distance 0x0 qt.text.font.match: found smoothly scalable font (13 pixels) qt.text.font.match: found a match: score 0 best score so far ffffffff