/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 Denis Shienkov ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the QtSerialBus module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL3$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "vectorcanbackend.h" #include "vectorcanbackend_p.h" #include "vectorcan_symbols_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN) #ifndef LINK_LIBVECTORCAN Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QLibrary, vectorcanLibrary) #endif bool VectorCanBackend::canCreate(QString *errorReason) { #ifdef LINK_LIBVECTORCAN return true; #else static bool symbolsResolved = resolveVectorCanSymbols(vectorcanLibrary()); if (Q_UNLIKELY(!symbolsResolved)) { *errorReason = vectorcanLibrary()->errorString(); return false; } return true; #endif } QList VectorCanBackend::interfaces() { QList result; if (Q_UNLIKELY(VectorCanBackendPrivate::loadDriver() != XL_SUCCESS)) return result; XLdriverConfig config; if (Q_UNLIKELY(::xlGetDriverConfig(&config) != XL_SUCCESS)) { VectorCanBackendPrivate::cleanupDriver(); return result; } for (uint i = 0; i < config.channelCount; ++i) { if (config.channel[i].hwType == XL_HWTYPE_NONE) continue; const bool isVirtual = config.channel[i].hwType == XL_HWTYPE_VIRTUAL; const bool isFd = config.channel[i].channelCapabilities & XL_CHANNEL_FLAG_CANFD_SUPPORT; const int channel = config.channel[i].hwChannel; const QString name = QStringLiteral("can") + QString::number(i); const QString serial = QString::number(config.channel[i].serialNumber); const QString description = QLatin1String(config.channel[i].name); result.append(createDeviceInfo(QStringLiteral("vectorcan"), name, serial, description, QString(), channel, isVirtual, isFd)); } VectorCanBackendPrivate::cleanupDriver(); return result; } static int driverRefCount = 0; class VectorCanReadNotifier : public QWinEventNotifier { // no Q_OBJECT macro! public: explicit VectorCanReadNotifier(VectorCanBackendPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QWinEventNotifier(parent) , dptr(d) { setHandle(dptr->readHandle); connect(this, &QWinEventNotifier::activated, this, [this]() { dptr->startRead(); }); } private: VectorCanBackendPrivate * const dptr; }; class VectorCanWriteNotifier : public QTimer { // no Q_OBJECT macro! public: VectorCanWriteNotifier(VectorCanBackendPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QTimer(parent) , dptr(d) { setInterval(0); } protected: void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) override { if (e->timerId() == timerId()) { dptr->startWrite(); return; } QTimer::timerEvent(e); } private: VectorCanBackendPrivate * const dptr; }; VectorCanBackendPrivate::VectorCanBackendPrivate(VectorCanBackend *q) : q_ptr(q) { startupDriver(); } VectorCanBackendPrivate::~VectorCanBackendPrivate() { cleanupDriver(); } bool VectorCanBackendPrivate::open() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); { XLdriverConfig config; if (Q_UNLIKELY(::xlGetDriverConfig(&config) != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(VectorCanBackend::tr("Unable to get driver configuration"), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConnectionError); return false; } channelMask = config.channel[channelIndex].channelMask; XLaccess permissionMask = channelMask; const quint32 queueSize = usesCanFd ? 8192 : 256; const XLstatus status = ::xlOpenPort(&portHandle, const_cast(qPrintable(qApp->applicationName())), channelMask, &permissionMask, queueSize, usesCanFd ? XL_INTERFACE_VERSION_V4 : XL_INTERFACE_VERSION, XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS || portHandle == XL_INVALID_PORTHANDLE)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ConnectionError); portHandle = XL_INVALID_PORTHANDLE; return false; } } if (usesCanFd && arbBitRate != 0) { XLcanFdConf xlfdconf = {}; xlfdconf.dataBitRate = (dataBitRate != 0) ? dataBitRate : arbBitRate; xlfdconf.arbitrationBitRate = arbBitRate; const XLstatus status = ::xlCanFdSetConfiguration(portHandle, channelMask, &xlfdconf); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Unable to change the configuration for an open channel"); } { const XLstatus status = ::xlActivateChannel(portHandle, channelMask, XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN, XL_ACTIVATE_RESET_CLOCK); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConnectionError); return false; } } { const int queueLevel = 1; const XLstatus status = ::xlSetNotification(portHandle, &readHandle, queueLevel); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ConnectionError); return false; } } readNotifier = new VectorCanReadNotifier(this, q); readNotifier->setEnabled(true); writeNotifier = new VectorCanWriteNotifier(this, q); return true; } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::close() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); delete readNotifier; readNotifier = nullptr; delete writeNotifier; writeNotifier = nullptr; // xlClosePort can crash on systems with vxlapi.dll but no device driver installed. // Therefore avoid calling any close function when the portHandle is invalid anyway. if (portHandle == XL_INVALID_PORTHANDLE) return; { const XLstatus status = ::xlDeactivateChannel(portHandle, channelMask); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConnectionError); } } { const XLstatus status = ::xlClosePort(portHandle); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ConnectionError); } } portHandle = XL_INVALID_PORTHANDLE; } bool VectorCanBackendPrivate::setConfigurationParameter(QCanBusDevice::ConfigurationKey key, const QVariant &value) { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); switch (key) { case QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey: return setBitRate(value.toUInt()); case QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey: transmitEcho = value.toBool(); return true; case QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey: return setDataBitRate(value.toUInt()); case QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey: { if (value.toBool()) { XLdriverConfig config; if (Q_UNLIKELY(::xlGetDriverConfig(&config) == XL_SUCCESS)) { if (config.channel[channelIndex].channelCapabilities & XL_CHANNEL_FLAG_CANFD_SUPPORT) { usesCanFd = true; return true; } } q->setError(VectorCanBackend::tr("Unable to set CAN FD"), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConfigurationError); return false; } usesCanFd = false; return true; } default: q->setError(VectorCanBackend::tr("Unsupported configuration key: %1").arg(key), QCanBusDevice::ConfigurationError); return false; } } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::setupChannel(const QString &interfaceName) { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); if (Q_LIKELY(interfaceName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("can")))) { const QStringView ref = QStringView{interfaceName}.mid(3); bool ok = false; channelIndex = ref.toInt(&ok); if (ok && (channelIndex >= 0 && channelIndex < XL_CONFIG_MAX_CHANNELS)) { channelMask = xlGetChannelMask(-1, channelIndex, 0); return; } else { channelIndex = -1; q->setError(VectorCanBackend::tr("Unable to setup channel with interface name %1") .arg(interfaceName), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConfigurationError); } } qCCritical(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Unable to parse the channel %ls", qUtf16Printable(interfaceName)); } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::setupDefaultConfigurations() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); q->setConfigurationParameter(QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey, 500000); } QString VectorCanBackendPrivate::systemErrorString(int errorCode) const { const char *string = ::xlGetErrorString(errorCode); if (Q_LIKELY(string)) return QString::fromUtf8(string); return VectorCanBackend::tr("Unable to retrieve an error string"); } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::startWrite() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); if (!q->hasOutgoingFrames()) { writeNotifier->stop(); return; } const QCanBusFrame frame = q->dequeueOutgoingFrame(); const QByteArray payload = frame.payload(); const qsizetype payloadSize = payload.size(); quint32 eventCount = 1; XLstatus status = XL_ERROR; if (usesCanFd) { XLcanTxEvent event = {}; event.tag = XL_CAN_EV_TAG_TX_MSG; XL_CAN_TX_MSG &msg = event.tagData.canMsg; msg.canId = frame.frameId(); if (frame.hasExtendedFrameFormat()) msg.canId |= XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID; msg.dlc = payloadSize; if (frame.hasFlexibleDataRateFormat()) msg.msgFlags = XL_CAN_TXMSG_FLAG_EDL; if (frame.frameType() == QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame) msg.msgFlags |= XL_CAN_TXMSG_FLAG_RTR; // we do not care about the payload else ::memcpy(msg.data, payload.constData(), payloadSize); status = ::xlCanTransmitEx(portHandle, channelMask, eventCount, &eventCount, &event); } else { XLevent event = {}; event.tag = XL_TRANSMIT_MSG; s_xl_can_msg &msg = event.tagData.msg; msg.id = frame.frameId(); if (frame.hasExtendedFrameFormat()) msg.id |= XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID; msg.dlc = payloadSize; if (frame.frameType() == QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame) msg.flags |= XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME; // we do not care about the payload else if (frame.frameType() == QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame) msg.flags |= XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_ERROR_FRAME; // we do not care about the payload else ::memcpy(msg.data, payload.constData(), payloadSize); status = ::xlCanTransmit(portHandle, channelMask, &eventCount, &event); } if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::WriteError); } else { emit q->framesWritten(qint64(eventCount)); } if (q->hasOutgoingFrames()) writeNotifier->start(); } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::startRead() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); QList newFrames; for (;;) { quint32 eventCount = 1; if (usesCanFd) { XLcanRxEvent event = {}; const XLstatus status = ::xlCanReceive(portHandle, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { if (status != XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ReadError); } break; } if (event.tag != XL_CAN_EV_TAG_RX_OK) continue; const XL_CAN_EV_RX_MSG &msg = event.tagData.canRxOkMsg; QCanBusFrame frame(msg.canId & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(msg.data), int(msg.dlc))); frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStampSync / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(msg.canId & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EDL); frame.setFrameType((msg.msgFlags & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_RTR) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (msg.msgFlags & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EF) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame); newFrames.append(std::move(frame)); } else { XLevent event = {}; const XLstatus status = ::xlReceive(portHandle, &eventCount, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { if (status != XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ReadError); } break; } if (event.tag != XL_RECEIVE_MSG) continue; const s_xl_can_msg &msg = event.tagData.msg; if ((msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_TX_COMPLETED) && !transmitEcho) continue; QCanBusFrame frame(msg.id & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(msg.data), int(msg.dlc))); frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStamp / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(msg.id & XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID); frame.setLocalEcho(msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_TX_COMPLETED); frame.setFrameType((msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_ERROR_FRAME) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame); newFrames.append(std::move(frame)); } } q->enqueueReceivedFrames(newFrames); } XLstatus VectorCanBackendPrivate::loadDriver() { if (driverRefCount == 0) { const XLstatus status = ::xlOpenDriver(); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) return status; } else if (Q_UNLIKELY(driverRefCount < 0)) { qCCritical(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Wrong driver reference counter: %d", driverRefCount); return XL_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_DRIVER; } ++driverRefCount; return XL_SUCCESS; } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::startupDriver() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); const XLstatus status = loadDriver(); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConnectionError); } } void VectorCanBackendPrivate::cleanupDriver() { --driverRefCount; if (Q_UNLIKELY(driverRefCount < 0)) { qCCritical(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Wrong driver reference counter: %d", driverRefCount); driverRefCount = 0; } else if (driverRefCount == 0) { ::xlCloseDriver(); } } bool VectorCanBackendPrivate::setBitRate(quint32 bitrate) { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); if (!usesCanFd && q->state() != QCanBusDevice::UnconnectedState) { const XLstatus status = ::xlCanSetChannelBitrate(portHandle, channelMask, bitrate); arbBitRate = bitrate; if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ConfigurationError); return false; } } else if (arbBitRate != bitrate) { arbBitRate = bitrate; } return true; } bool VectorCanBackendPrivate::setDataBitRate(quint32 bitrate) { if (!usesCanFd) { qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Cannot set data bit rate in CAN 2.0 mode, this is only available with CAN FD"); return false; } if (dataBitRate != bitrate) { if (bitrate >= 25000) { // Minimum dataBitRate = bitrate; } else { qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Cannot set data bit rate to less than 25000 which is the minimum"); return false; } } return true; } VectorCanBackend::VectorCanBackend(const QString &name, QObject *parent) : QCanBusDevice(parent) , d_ptr(new VectorCanBackendPrivate(this)) { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); d->setupChannel(name); d->setupDefaultConfigurations(); } VectorCanBackend::~VectorCanBackend() { if (state() == ConnectedState) close(); delete d_ptr; } bool VectorCanBackend::open() { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); if (!d->open()) { close(); // sets UnconnectedState return false; } const auto keys = configurationKeys(); for (ConfigurationKey key : keys) { const QVariant param = configurationParameter(key); const bool success = d->setConfigurationParameter(key, param); if (!success) { qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Cannot apply parameter: %d with value: %ls.", key, qUtf16Printable(param.toString())); } } setState(QCanBusDevice::ConnectedState); return true; } void VectorCanBackend::close() { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); d->close(); setState(QCanBusDevice::UnconnectedState); } void VectorCanBackend::setConfigurationParameter(ConfigurationKey key, const QVariant &value) { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); if (d->setConfigurationParameter(key, value)) QCanBusDevice::setConfigurationParameter(key, value); } bool VectorCanBackend::writeFrame(const QCanBusFrame &newData) { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); if (state() != QCanBusDevice::ConnectedState) return false; if (Q_UNLIKELY(!newData.isValid())) { setError(tr("Cannot write invalid QCanBusFrame"), QCanBusDevice::WriteError); return false; } if (Q_UNLIKELY(newData.frameType() != QCanBusFrame::DataFrame && newData.frameType() != QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame && newData.frameType() != QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame)) { setError(tr("Unable to write a frame with unacceptable type"), QCanBusDevice::WriteError); return false; } if (!d->usesCanFd && newData.hasFlexibleDataRateFormat()) { setError(tr("Unable to write a flexible data rate format frame without CAN FD enabled."), QCanBusDevice::WriteError); return false; } enqueueOutgoingFrame(newData); if (!d->writeNotifier->isActive()) d->writeNotifier->start(); return true; } // TODO: Implement me QString VectorCanBackend::interpretErrorFrame(const QCanBusFrame &errorFrame) { Q_UNUSED(errorFrame); return QString(); } bool VectorCanBackend::hasBusStatus() const { return true; } QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus VectorCanBackend::busStatus() { Q_D(VectorCanBackend); const XLstatus requestStatus = ::xlCanRequestChipState(d->portHandle, d->channelMask); if (Q_UNLIKELY(requestStatus != XL_SUCCESS)) { const QString errorString = d->systemErrorString(requestStatus); qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Can not query CAN bus status: %ls.", qUtf16Printable(errorString)); setError(errorString, QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ReadError); return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Unknown; } quint8 busStatus = 0; if (d->usesCanFd) { XLcanRxEvent event = {}; const XLstatus receiveStatus = ::xlCanReceive(d->portHandle, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(receiveStatus != XL_SUCCESS)) { const QString errorString = d->systemErrorString(receiveStatus); qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Can not query CAN bus status: %ls.", qUtf16Printable(errorString)); setError(errorString, QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ReadError); return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Unknown; } if (Q_LIKELY(event.tag == XL_CAN_EV_TAG_CHIP_STATE)) busStatus = event.tagData.canChipState.busStatus; } else { quint32 eventCount = 1; XLevent event = {}; const XLstatus receiveStatus = ::xlReceive(d->portHandle, &eventCount, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(receiveStatus != XL_SUCCESS)) { const QString errorString = d->systemErrorString(receiveStatus); qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Can not query CAN bus status: %ls.", qUtf16Printable(errorString)); setError(errorString, QCanBusDevice::CanBusError::ReadError); return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Unknown; } if (Q_LIKELY(event.tag == XL_CHIP_STATE)) busStatus = event.tagData.chipState.busStatus; } switch (busStatus) { case XL_CHIPSTAT_BUSOFF: return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::BusOff; case XL_CHIPSTAT_ERROR_PASSIVE: return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Error; case XL_CHIPSTAT_ERROR_WARNING: return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Warning; case XL_CHIPSTAT_ERROR_ACTIVE: return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Good; } qCWarning(QT_CANBUS_PLUGINS_VECTORCAN, "Unknown CAN bus status: %u", busStatus); return QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus::Unknown; } QCanBusDeviceInfo VectorCanBackend::deviceInfo() const { const QList availableDevices = interfaces(); const int index = d_ptr->channelIndex; const QString name = QStringLiteral("can%1").arg(index); const auto deviceInfo = std::find_if(availableDevices.constBegin(), availableDevices.constEnd(), [name](const QCanBusDeviceInfo &info) { return name == info.name(); }); if (Q_LIKELY(deviceInfo != availableDevices.constEnd())) return *deviceInfo; qWarning("%s: Cannot get device info for index %d.", Q_FUNC_INFO, index); return QCanBusDevice::deviceInfo(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE