Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task QTBUG-92815  

QTBUG-89302 Create release delivery report

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-91563  

QTBUG-89302 Clean the blocker bug list in Jira

Tarja Sundqvist P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-91547 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Create separate debug information files for the release

Akseli Salovaara Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-91129  

QTBUG-89302 RTA for B2Qt

Milla Pohjanheimo P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89349 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Create TestRail report of RTA results

Evgenii Kucheruk P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89348  

QTBUG-89302 Update default installation package

Antti Kokko Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89347  

QTBUG-89302 Document used configuration in RTA

Evgenii Kucheruk Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89346  

QTBUG-89302 Tag tqtc-qt-rta repository

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89345  

QTBUG-89302 Update versions_and_tools wiki for the release

Heikki Halmet P2: Important Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89344 Coin Configuration

QTBUG-89302 Back-up tier2 images for the release

Tony Sarajärvi P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89343  

QTBUG-89302 Update online documentation for release

Topi Reiniö P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89342  

QTBUG-89302 Update download statistic filters

Akseli Salovaara P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89341  

QTBUG-89302 Inform release to the stakeholders

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89340  

QTBUG-89302 Update public qt5 releasing pages

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89339  

QTBUG-89302 Publish blog post for the release

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89338  

QTBUG-89302 Release version from Jira

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89337  

QTBUG-89302 Publish B2Qt QBSP packages in qt account

Jani Suonperä P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89336  

QTBUG-89302 RTA test for opensource online production

Johanna Äijälä P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89335  

QTBUG-89302 Publish needed release infomation in social media

Benjamin Cathcart (Inactive) Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89334  

QTBUG-89302 RTA test for enterprise online production

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89333  

QTBUG-89302 Update installers

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89332  

QTBUG-89302 Update opensource online release to the production

Akseli Salovaara P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89331  

QTBUG-89302 Update enterprise online release to the production

Antti Kokko P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89330  

QTBUG-89302 Publish enterprise offline release packages in qt account

Akseli Salovaara P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89329  

QTBUG-89302 Publish opensource offline release packages in

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89328  

QTBUG-89302 Tag release in git

Antti Kokko P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89327  

QTBUG-89302 Release Manual testing

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89326  

QTBUG-89302 RTA full round for opensource packages

Johanna Äijälä P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89325  

QTBUG-89302 RTA full round for enterprise packages

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89324  

QTBUG-89302 Archive release packages

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89323  

QTBUG-89302 RTA smoke for opensource online repositories

Johanna Äijälä P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89322  

QTBUG-89302 RTA smoke for enterprise offline installers

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89321  

QTBUG-89302 RTA smoke for enterprise online repositories

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89320  

QTBUG-89302 Adjust release categories

Antti Kokko P2: Important Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89319 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Generate Third Party Attributions documentation

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89318  

QTBUG-89302 Create offline installers

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89317  

QTBUG-89302 Build online release packages

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89316  

QTBUG-89302 Freeze release content

Tony Sarajärvi P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89315  

QTBUG-89302 Create known issues page for the release

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89314  

QTBUG-89302 Create changes files wiki for the release

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89313  

QTBUG-89302 Initial changes files for the release

Antti Kokko Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89312 Documentation

QTBUG-89302 Update supported platforms documentation

Heikki Halmet P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89311 Documentation

QTBUG-89302 Document Third-Party Code changes in the release

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Closed Done 5.15.3 0
Sub-task QTBUG-89310 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Put opensource snapshot visible in production

Antti Kokko P2: Important Closed Won't Do   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89309 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Put commercial snapshot visible in official production

Antti Kokko P2: Important Closed Done 5.15.3 0
Technical task QTBUG-89308 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Branch from feature branch to release branch

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89307 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Build a binary snapshot for the release

Jani Heikkinen P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89306 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Put opensource snapshot visible in staging

Antti Kokko P2: Important Closed Out of scope   0
Technical task QTBUG-89305 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Put commercial snapshot visible in staging

Antti Kokko P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task QTBUG-89304 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Packaging configurations for the release

Tarja Sundqvist P2: Important Closed Done   0
Sub-task QTBUG-89303 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-89302 Do version number bump

Jani Heikkinen P1: Critical Closed Done   0
