Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task QTBUG-112609 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Support RegExp

Qt Qml Team User Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-112487 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Support storing JS arrays in JS variables

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.8 0
Technical task QTBUG-112485 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Support JS object literals

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.8 0
Technical task QTBUG-112482 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Support assigning potential undefined via SetLookup

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.8 0
Technical task QTBUG-111844 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Add command line flags to customize diagnostic output of qmlsc/qmlcachegen

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-111624 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Support JS Date

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.7 1
Technical task QTBUG-111492 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlcachegen: Revisit generate_As()

Qt Qml Team User P3: Somewhat important Reported Unresolved 6.9 0
Technical task QTBUG-111490 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlcachegen: Add optimization for coercing to static bool

Qt Qml Team User P3: Somewhat important Reported Unresolved 6.9 0
Technical task QTBUG-111283 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Support optional chaining

Olivier De Cannière P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.6 1
Technical task QTBUG-108757 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Be able to mute warnings in qmlsc

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.6 1
Technical task QTBUG-107175 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Have qmlsc and qmlcachegen generate code for console.log() and friends

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.5.0 Beta1, 6.5 1
Technical task QTBUG-106873 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Optimize builtin JavaScript functions on numbers

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-106715 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Add ability to inline const primitive values from *.js files

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.x 0
Technical task QTBUG-104746 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 JS Number member functions are untyped

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.x 0
Technical task QTBUG-104745 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc doesn't like JS Math functions

Ulf Hermann P1: Critical Closed Done 6.4.0 RC1, 6.5.0 Beta1 0
Technical task QTBUG-104739 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 JS string member functions are untyped

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-104619 QML: Compiler, QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 qmlsc: Problem with QSize vs. QSizeF

Qt Qml Team User P3: Somewhat important Reported Unresolved 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-104609 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Further un-specialize function arguments

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Won't Do 6.5 0
Technical task QTBUG-104577 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 qmllint does not like QVariantMap properties

Olivier De Cannière P2: Important Closed Fixed 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-104549 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Optimize arithmetic operators in qmlsc some more

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-104220 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Provide a typed way to store functions in properties

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.6 1
Technical task QTBUG-104196 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Implement conversions between QQmlListProperty<T> and QList<T *> for object type T

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.x 0
Technical task QTBUG-104192 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Implement generate_InitializeBlockDeadTemporalZone

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.5.0 Beta1, 6.5 0
Technical task QTBUG-103371 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Treat strings like arrays regarding operator []

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.4.0 Beta1, 6.4 0
Technical task QTBUG-101634 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Add builtin types for 8 and 16bit integers, as well as unsigned 32bit

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Fixed 6.6.0, 6.6 2
Technical task QTBUG-101464 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Support Qt.callLater

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.6 2
Technical task QTBUG-101452 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Use std::move or inline expressions into place if used only once

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Fixed 6.5, 6.6.0 0
Technical task QTBUG-101387 QML: Compiler, QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine

QTBUG-76025 Provide specialization for qsTr and string.arg()

Ulf Hermann P3: Somewhat important Closed Fixed 6.5.0 FF 2
Technical task QTBUG-101358 QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine

QTBUG-76025 Add more fine grained options to control the QML disk cache

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Fixed 6.5, 6.6.0 0
Technical task QTBUG-101007 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 It should be possible to type javascript rest parameters

Qt Qml Team User P2: Important Reported Unresolved 6.x 0
Technical task QTBUG-100847 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Fix more primitive type conversions

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.2.5, 6.2, 6.3.0 Beta3, 6.3, 6.4.0 Beta1 0
Technical task QTBUG-100157 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Optimize type conversions in qmlsc and qmlcachegen

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.4.0 Beta1, 6.4 0
Technical task QTBUG-98305 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 Split qmlsc into open source and commercial parts

Ulf Hermann P1: Critical Closed Fixed 6.3.0 Feature Freeze 0
Technical task QTBUG-96269 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 (qmltc) Improve performance of the generated code

Sami Shalayel P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.x 0
Sub-task QTBUG-96054 QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine

QTBUG-76025 Try to eliminate finalize callbacks

Fabian Kosmale P2: Important Closed Done 6.3.0 Alpha 0
Technical task QTBUG-96040 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 (qmltc) Support build infrastructure around object-creation compiler

Sami Shalayel P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.x 0
Technical task QTBUG-95822 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Support namespaced attached properties and singletons in qmlcompiler and qmlsc

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Done 6.3 0
Technical task QTBUG-95117 QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine

QTBUG-76025 Find a replacement for PropertyChanges

Ulf Hermann P1: Critical Closed Done 6.3.0 Feature Freeze 0
Technical task QTBUG-94807 QML: Compiler, QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine

QTBUG-76025 Find a replacement for duck-typed property and method access

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Open Unresolved 6.6 0
Technical task QTBUG-93662 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Fix property-level polymorphism in qmlcachegenplus

Ulf Hermann P1: Critical Closed Done 6.3.0 0
Technical task QTBUG-91956 QML: Compiler

QTBUG-76025 (qmltc) Support QML language and QQmlEngine related features

Sami Shalayel P2: Important Closed Duplicate 6.x 2
Technical task QTBUG-91419 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Benchmark qmlcachegenplus

Ulf Hermann P1: Critical Closed Done 6.2 0
Technical task QTBUG-91039 QML: Declarative and Javascript Engine, QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Prototype C++ and QML interaction

Andrei Golubev P2: Important Closed Done 6.2 0
Technical task QTBUG-89501 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 qmltypes format does not properly specify extended types

Fawzi Mohamed P1: Critical Closed Done 6.1.0 Alpha, 6.1 0
Technical task QTBUG-85274  

QTBUG-76025 Write a generic C++ code generator

Ulf Hermann P3: Somewhat important Closed Out of scope   0
Technical task QTBUG-84639  

QTBUG-76025 Get rid of most QML plugins

Maximilian Goldstein P1: Critical Closed Done 6.2.0 Beta2 0
Technical task QTBUG-84370 Core: Object Model

QTBUG-76025 Add QObjectProperty, QPropertyAlias, QObjectPropertyAlias

Andrei Golubev P2: Important Closed Out of scope 6.2 0
Technical task QTBUG-84369 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Write a JavaScript to C++ compiler

Ulf Hermann P2: Important Closed Fixed 6.3, 6.4, 6.x 6
Technical task QTBUG-84368 QML: Tooling

QTBUG-76025 Write a QML object-creation compiler

Andrei Golubev P2: Important Closed Done 6.x 2
