Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task COIN-1020  

COIN-819 GET /taskDetail, /taskWorkItems and /taskTestedChanges should accept a list of task ids

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important In Progress Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-1018 Other

COIN-819 Add authentication for COIN API

Toni Saario P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-1014  

COIN-819 In GET /taskWorkItems why is storage_paths a list?

Aku Pietikäinen P3: Somewhat important Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-1010  

COIN-819 GET /taskWorkItems does not return ID and Dependencies for workitems

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-1006  

COIN-819 Implement GET /workItem?workitem_id=... (list of workitem ids)

Aku Pietikäinen P1: Critical Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-1005  

COIN-819 New tasks might have empty workitems

Toni Saario P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Change Request COIN-1004  

COIN-819 changes returned in GET /taskDetail contain "sha" that is not found on Gerrit

Toni Saario P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   1
Change Request COIN-991  

COIN-819 After last update, I'm getting many tasks with completed_on in 1970

Aku Pietikäinen P0: Blocker Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-989  

COIN-819 GET /taskDetail returns a field named "status" while get /tasks returns "state"

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-988  

COIN-819 GET /taskWorkItems: provisioning items have branch==empty string, it should be NULL instead

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Withdrawn Duplicate   0
Technical task COIN-987  

COIN-819 Coin API: Add information about the VM/host that runs each workitem

Toni Saario P3: Somewhat important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-984  

COIN-819 Parameterize the class CoinTestResults class

Tero Heikkinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-982  

COIN-819 Coin API returns many workitems with started_on date = 1970-01-01

Aku Pietikäinen P1: Critical Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-965  

COIN-819 GET /tasks responses are not stable

Dimitrios Apostolou P2: Important Need More Info Incomplete   0
Technical task COIN-963  

COIN-819 GET /taskDetail is missing information in comparison to GET /tasks

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-962  

COIN-819 After the last Coin upgrade, GET /tasks (no query parameters) takes 1min30s to respond

Toni Saario P2: Important Closed Fixed 1.5 0
Technical task COIN-955  

COIN-819 fields returned are sometimes padded with whitespace

Toni Saario Not Evaluated Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-946  

COIN-819 Same buildkeys are slightly different between GET /taskDetail and GET /taskWorkItems

Aku Pietikäinen P1: Critical Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-945  

COIN-819 Empty values should not be empty strings

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-942  

COIN-819 GET /taskWorkItems returns "project" as a list

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-941  

COIN-819 GET /taskWorkItems is missing details about host and target OS

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-938  

COIN-819 GET /taskWorkItems?id=nightly1668656531 returns 204 No Content

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-937  

COIN-819 API responses should have content-type application/json

Aku Pietikäinen P4: Low Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-936  

COIN-819 GET /tasks?after=wrong_date_format should return error

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Change Request COIN-935  

COIN-819 GET /taskDetail is missing fields that /tasks has

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Duplicate   0
Technical task COIN-934 Storage

COIN-819 In GET /taskDetail each change should always contain the triplet repo+branch+changeid

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Technical task COIN-933 Storage

COIN-819 completed_on timestamp is empty for tasks that got interrupted by a restart

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed 1.5 0
Sub-task COIN-909 WebServer

COIN-819 API does not return Ref or ChangeID on getTestedChanges

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
Sub-task COIN-839  

COIN-819 Implement GET /taskTestedChanges

Aku Pietikäinen Not Evaluated Closed Fixed   0
Sub-task COIN-834  

COIN-819 Implement GET /taskWorkItems

Aku Pietikäinen Not Evaluated Closed Fixed   0
Sub-task COIN-833  

COIN-819 Implement GET /taskDetail

Aku Pietikäinen Not Evaluated Closed Fixed   0
Sub-task COIN-832 WebServer

COIN-819 Extend GET tasks

Aku Pietikäinen Not Evaluated Closed Fixed   0
Sub-task COIN-831 WebServer

COIN-819 Implement thrift json converter

Toni Saario P2: Important Closed Won't Do   0
Technical task COIN-821 WebServer

COIN-819 Implement Get workitems API

Aku Pietikäinen P2: Important Closed Fixed   0
