Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task COIN-109 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qtextscriptengine::thaiWithZWJ() fails on RHEL 7.2

Simon Hausmann Not Evaluated Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-108 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_messagebox::sanityTest hangs on macOS 10.12

Aapo Keskimölö P2: Important Closed Done 1.0 0
Technical task COIN-107 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] Provisioning on Windows 7 fails

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-106 Other

COIN-24 Fix provisioning of RHEL 7.2

Unassigned P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-105 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] qqmldebugjs fails on Windows 7 in Qt 5.9 with gcc

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Closed Done master 0
Technical task COIN-104 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qinputdialog times out on macOS 10.12

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-103 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qmenu fails on macOS 10.12

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-102 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qwidget fails on macOS 10.12

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-101 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] qaccessibilitymac::hierarchyTest() is failing on macOS 10.12 on the 5.9 branch

Simon Hausmann P1: Critical Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-100 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_QFocusEvent fails on macOS 10.12 in Qt 5.9

Simon Hausmann Not Evaluated Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-99 Other

COIN-24 WebEngine build fails on Windows 8.1; out of disk space

Unassigned P1: Critical Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-98 Other

COIN-24 tst_QWindow::positioning fails on macOS 10.12

Unassigned P2: Important Closed Invalid   0
Technical task COIN-97 Other

COIN-24 tst_macgui::nonModalOrder passes unexpectedly on macOS 10.12

Unassigned P2: Important Closed Invalid   0
Technical task COIN-96 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][windows] tst_QGLBuffer crashes

Simon Hausmann P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-95 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][macOS] tst_macNativeEvents::testPushButtonPressRelease fails

Tor Arne Vestbø Not Evaluated Need More Info Incomplete   0
Technical task COIN-94 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_QOpenGLWidget::clearAndGrab fails

Heikki Halmet P3: Somewhat important Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-93 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qwidget::showMinimizedKeepsFocus fails on macOS 10.11

Unassigned P3: Somewhat important Closed Won't Do   0
Technical task COIN-92 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qmenu::submenuTearOffDontClose fails on macOS 10.11

Heikki Halmet Not Evaluated Closed Won't Do   0
Technical task COIN-91  

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][windows] tst_QNetworkProxyFactory crashes

Unassigned P2: Important Closed Invalid   0
Technical task COIN-90 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][windows] tst_QHostInfo fails

Unassigned P2: Important Closed Invalid   0
Technical task COIN-89 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] qtlocation 5.6 tests fail on Windows 7 (msvc 2010 and mingw49)

Unassigned P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-88 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][5.6] tst_qmlwebsockets_compat times out on macOS 10.10

Unassigned P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-87 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] tst_qstylesheetstyle fails on Ubuntu 14.04

Unassigned Not Evaluated Open Unresolved   0
Technical task COIN-86 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] qudpsocket::linkLocalIPv6(WithoutProxy) fails on RHEL 6.6

Timur Pocheptsov P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-85 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula] Windows QNX "g++" build error happens frequently

Aapo Keskimölö P2: Important Closed Done 1.0 0
Technical task COIN-84 Other

COIN-24 [OpenNebula][macOS] tst_QOpenGLWidget times out

Tor Arne Vestbø P2: Important Closed Done   0
Technical task COIN-83 Other

COIN-24 Move the network test server to the new network

Tony Sarajärvi P4: Low Closed Won't Do   0
