Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task QTBUG-110405 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Verify that ACL exceptions are correct for the release

Qt Release Team P2: Important Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110229  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Run RTA for QtDA

Iikka Konola Not Evaluated In Progress Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110228  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Test QtDA for the release manually from Staging

Mateusz Ligocki Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110227 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Publish Qt DA in the production

Antti Kokko Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110225 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Build QtDA for the release

Antti Kokko P2: Important In Progress Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110224  

QTBUG-110174 Create the release delivery report

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110223 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Create TestRail report of B2Qt RTA results

Mikko Gronoff P2: Important Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110222 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Create TestRail report of RTA and manual test results

Evgenii Kucheruk P2: Important Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110221  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Document used configuration in RTA

Evgenii Kucheruk P2: Important Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110220  

QTBUG-110174 Publish needed release infomation in social media

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110219  

QTBUG-110174 Check that all the release branch fixes are also merged to lts-6.2

Tarja Sundqvist Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110218  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Tag tqtc-qt-rta repository

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110217  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Update versions_and_tools wiki for the release

Heikki Halmet P2: Important Open Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110216 Coin Configuration

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Back-up tier2 images for the release

Tony Sarajärvi P1: Critical Open Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110215  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Update download statistic filters

Akseli Salovaara P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110214  

QTBUG-110174 Inform release to the stakeholders

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Reported Unresolved 6.2.1, 6.3.0 Alpha 0
Sub-task QTBUG-110213  

QTBUG-110174 Update public qt5 releasing pages

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110212  

QTBUG-110174 Write and publish blog post for the release

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110211  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Update release timestamp

Antti Kokko Not Evaluated In Progress Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110210  

QTBUG-110174 Release version from Jira

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110209  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Publish B2Qt QBSP packages in qt account

Mikko Gronoff P1: Critical Reported Unresolved 6.x 0
Sub-task QTBUG-110208  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: B2Qt RTA from production

Minna Erälä P1: Critical Open Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110207  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: RTA test for enterprise online production

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110204  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Update enterprise online release to the production

Antti Kokko P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110203  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Publish enterprise offline release packages in qt account

Akseli Salovaara P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110202  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Tag release in git

Antti Kokko P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110201  

QTBUG-110174 Archive release packages

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110200  

QTBUG-110174 Inform Doc Team about the online documentation updating

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110199  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8 Release manual testing

Evgenii Kucheruk Not Evaluated Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110198  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: B2Qt RTA from staging

Minna Erälä P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110197  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: RTA full round for enterprise packages

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110196  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: RTA smoke for enterprise offline installers

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110195  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: RTA smoke for enterprise online repositories

Evgenii Kucheruk P1: Critical Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110194  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Adjust release categories

Antti Kokko P2: Important In Progress Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110193  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Update known issues section to the release note

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   0
Technical task QTBUG-110191 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Create separate debug information files for the release

Akseli Salovaara P2: Important Reported Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110189  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Create offline installers

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110187  

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Freezed release content SHA1's

Tarja Sundqvist P1: Critical In Progress Unresolved   0
Sub-task QTBUG-110184 Packaging & Installer

QTBUG-110174 Qt 6.2.8: Put commercial repositories visible in production

Antti Kokko P2: Important In Progress Unresolved   0
